Job Offer

Marine Pilot Trainee in UAE ( Only for EXPERIENCED Master Mariners)

published on 17 June 2022 1339 -

P&O Maritime, Office Dubai
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Article IMPA Congress postponed to May 2021

published on 10 August 2020

As a result of the extraordinary situation resulting from the global Covid-19 outbreak and, in particular, the various public health measures and travel restrictions implemented by many jurisdictions around the world to fight propagation of the virus, IMPA has decided to postpone its biennial Congress in Cancun to 23 to 29 Mayr 2021.


Video Disembarking of Danpilot at Skagen V73

published on 15 June 2020

Enjoy the tour from Bridge to Pilot ladder, disembarking of Danpilot.


Article Man Overboard Training - Loodswezen Amsterdam-Ijmond

published on 20 May 2021

The man-overboard manoeuvre includes all measures to rescue a person who has fallen overboard from a watercraft.


Video When a pilot boarding is aborted

published on 27 January 2022

Wind was blowing strong from the NE and the waves were becoming bigger and bigger by the time we reach a new client.
Crew didn't consider the rolling effect about to happen while changing heading in order to give lee when they prepared pilot ladder, so the requested 1.5m above the water was not that good.
I decided to abort and to give the vessel the chance to shorten it. In the next attempt they did it right and I was able to board safe


Video Hammond Deep Sea Pilots

published on 25 May 2021

We want YOU to join us!


Video Whitten Road Haulage - Pilot Boat - Cork to A Coruna

published on 8 November 2020

Shown here is some footage of a pilot boat that was recently expertly delivered by our driver Declan to A Coruna from Cork. This load was 4.85m high, 24m long and 4.2m wide overall. It takes a great team coordinating from our office to organise the shipping, escorts and permits here in Ireland and Spain in order to make Declan's job a bit easier. It then takes the drivers expert hand to ensure that the load arrives safely and you can be sure in using Whitten Road Haulage that our years of...


Video Quadcast: EVER GIVEN a physical disruptor: Part 1

published on 29 April 2021

The world watched as the grounding of the Ever Given in the Suez Canal played out. In a 2-part Quadcast Shipping Special, the "Quadcast" reviews the consequences and legal implications of a major maritime incident of this type.


Video Pilot Launch PV Malu Bau off Point Lonsdale

published on 13 December 2023

Pilot launch Malu Bau is part of the Auriga Pilotage Group vessels that operate along the coast of Australia.


Video Corryvreckan Maelstrom & Thunder Child II documentary

published on 28 July 2020

Safehaven Marine undertook an 800nm 4 day cruise in Thunder Child II to Scotland, living off the boat to visit a place called the Gulf of Corryvreckan. A pretty wild yet beautiful place. The Corryvreckan whirlpool, or ‘Maelstrom’, as would be a more appropriate description, is formed as the tide enters the narrow stretch of water between the Islands of Jura and Scarba that is the Gulf of Corryvreckan. Here the tidal flow speeds up to 8.5kts as it is squeezed between the islands, and there...


Video Kayleigh Ward - Belfast Harbour Pilot Boat Crew

published on 11 July 2024

Our Pilot Boats play a crucial role in maintaining the daily flow of maritime traffic to and from Belfast Harbour. Working 24/7, 365 days a year, in all kinds of weather conditions, this dedicated team carries out the vital task of bringing the Harbour Pilots out to arriving vessels, where they guide them safely into their berths, as well as disembarking them, often in challenging sea conditions on Belfast Lough.
Kayleigh Ward, our sole female pilot boat crew member, reveals how she gave up...