Job Offer

Dispatch Officer - Australia

published on 28 June 2022 213 -

Poseidon Sea Pilots
Brisbane, Australia

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Video Golden Ray Salvage: Last Section Removed on 10/25/2021

published on 28 October 2021

Finally!!! The last section of the ship was removed from the site and taken to port for final salvage. While there is still a lot of clean up remaining this is a big mile stone in the salvage operation of the Golden Ray which capsized over 2 years ago on 9/8/2019 in the sound of St Simons Island, Georgia. Included is the movement of the section along with footage taken from a boat trip at the site and at the port. Some of my best video in the 2 years I've been filming. So I hope you enjoy...


Article New pilot boat delivered to Spain's Port of Ferrol

by Baird Maritime - published on 9 September 2024

Irish boatbuilder Safehaven Marine recently handed over a new pilot boat "Punta Do Cruceiro" to the Port of Ferrol in northwestern Spain


Article 4th Customer Day at NAUTITEC: A Day Full Of Inspirational Speeches And Lectures With The Opportunity To Network

published on 9 June 2022

More than 90 guests from the european maritime cluster attended the 4th NAUTITEC Customer Day in Leer on 2nd June 2022, which was hosted by NAUTITEC and supported by the partners of the maritime campus, Faculty of maritime science Sciences Emden/Leer.


Article The magnetic north pole migration - What a Pilot should know

by - published on 22 February 2019

The Arctic magnetic pole does not move anymore. It runs, faster and faster. In recent years, even faster than expected. Therefore, geo-researchers have now had an unscheduled change to their world model and adjust their calculations, so that navigation with compass and other navigation aids such as a Pilot Plug, used by pilots around the world, continue to work.


Video Humber Marine Pilots by Correspondent Sarah Corker

published on 10 September 2020

For as long as ships have been sailing the seas, there have been maritime pilots to guide them through the most dangerous waterways. But there is a worldwide shortage of seafarers and the industry is struggling to attract young people into the profession. Our Business Correspondent Sarah Corker has been given rare access to film with pilots on the Humber Estuary who work 365 days a year, whatever the weather. And a warning, Sarah’s report may make you feel sea sick.


Video Pilot Boat Altair

published on 17 March 2022



Opinion Piloting and the unstoppable wheel of technology.

by Captain Ricardo Caballero "Themaritimepilot" - published on 25 June 2020

Surely, the new invention also reduced the amount of time and hands (manpower) previously required to perform such a task. Now those idling "extra hands" could dedicate the "extra time" that was made available, to take care of other issues important for the community.


Video Tanker passing the Strait of Bosphorus in 40 sec! 4k

published on 11 September 2020

105000t crude oil tanker, passing the Strait of Istanbul (Bosphorus) in november 2015. In the beginning you can see new bridge. More timelapse videos: Between sky and sea Novorossiysk timelapse Press like or follow me, if you liked it =)


Article Study: Correlation Evaluation of Pilots’ Situation Awareness in Bridge Simulations via Eye-Tracking Technology

published on 21 January 2022

Improvements to pilots’ situation awareness (SA) in maritime navigation are critical to reducing human errors, which have caused 75% to 96% of marine accidents over the last few years.


Video 57th EMPA Meeting Rome 2023 - Official Video

published on 1 November 2022

Official presentation video of the 57th EMPA Meeting Rome 2023
April 24th - 28th, 2023