Job Offer

Pilot / Mooring Master for Hawaii

published on 5 July 2022 669 -

Par Pacific Corporate
Kapolei, Hawaii, US, 96707, USA

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Article New library and favorites function on

published on 19 August 2021 has launched a new function for registered users today. From now you can tag articles and videos as favorites or sort them in personal libraries that can be created individually.


Article IMPA Safety Campaign Results 2021 published

published on 8 December 2021

IMPA has just released the results of the annual IMPA safety campaign, please have a look at the document. This year the non-compliances worldwide vary from 5% up to 70%....You can check your working area in the attachment.


Video Golden Ray Salvage 1st Section Cut: 11/29/2020

published on 1 December 2020

They finally completed cutting the 1st section (the bow) and transported it via barge to Brunswick Ga. The Golden Ray (a vehicle ship) capsized on 9/8/2019 and is being cut and dismantled to remove it from St Simons Channel, St Simons Island Ga. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more videos.


Article 99.9%: Canadian Pacific marine pilots’ tanker safety success

by Context - Enery examined - published on 19 May 2022

Consistently 99.9 per cent safe operation of large vessels: Marine pilots on Canada’s West Coast have an exceptional safety record in the world’s largest pilot-mandatory zone for large vessels including oil tankers.


Article ‘Smart Ports. Piers of the future' brings together six large ports

by - published on 25 November 2019

For the first time, the ports of Antwerp, Barcelona, Hamburg, Los Angeles, Montreal and Rotterdam come together to showcase their most advanced digital transformation and sustainability projects at their dedicated ‘Smart Ports’ exhibit


Article ABP invests around £9 million in state-of-the-art pilot boat fleet

by - published on 9 November 2020

Associated British Ports (ABP) the UK’s largest and best-connected port operator, has commissioned a fleet of nine new state-of-the art pilot boats from Goodchild Marine Services, representing an investment of around £9 million to further enhance port operations across its network.


Video Maritime Pilot - Allision in Immingham - Episode 7

by Dr. Captain Ahmed Sati - published on 17 September 2024

The collision of 3 ships, an unfortunate event that highlighted the importance of human factors on accident causation,


Video New catamaran Pilot Boat

published on 21 July 2020

Passing a centercons.ole entering Government Cut


Video Marine Pilot falls in Water During Embarkation

published on 4 July 2019

We do not put videos of accidents on our website out of voyeurism. We would like to point out that the work of a pilot is always dangerous, especially when embarking and disembarking!
These incidents should be a warning. It can hit anyone out of carelessness.
Dear pilots, please always be mindful and always think of your safety!


Article IHMA Congress 2020 goes virtual

published on 20 August 2020

With the theme, "The Next Wave – Navigating Towards the Digital Future, the 12th biennial Congress will be delivered virtually from 5 - 10 October, 2020.

The Congress remains the key forum for IHMA members and the global ports sector to collaborate, network, share information, and provide updates on the latest industry technology and solutions.