Job Offer

Senior Marine Pilot - Deputy Harbour Master

published on 14 July 2022 298 -

Southern Ports Authority
Kalgoorlie, Goldfields & Esperance, Australia

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Article New app: Pilot´s Tug Assist Tool PTAT - Bollard Pull Calculation for Marine Pilots

by Capt. M. Baykal Yaylai - published on 19 February 2020

Required tug power and number of tugs needed in variable conditions of wind, current and waves isin most cases an assessment made by pilots based on their professional experience. However, assessments will raise questions by lawyers if something goes wrong. They will use tools to calculate what really is needed with respect to tug power and number of tugs. They have furthermore the advantage of time.


Article Bermuda pilots order new launch from Gladding-Hearn

published on 18 January 2022

Bermuda’s Department of Marine and Port Services has returned to Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Duclos Corp., for a new Chesapeake-class pilot boat. The launch will be built to Lloyd’s Register class, with delivery scheduled for early 2023. The Somerset, Mass., shipyard built a 61-foot pilot/rescue vessel for the port service in 2011.


Video 30 Days Timelapse at Sea | 4K | Through Thunderstorms, Torrential Rain & Busy Traffic

published on 6 July 2019

Follow my adventures on Instagram!
30 Days of Timelapse, about 80,000 photos combined. 1500GB of Project files. Sailing in the open ocean is a unique feeling and experience.I hope to capture and share it for everyone to see.
Route was from Red Sea -- Gulf of Aden -- Indian Ocean -- Colombo -- Malacca Strait -- Singapore -- South East China Sea -- Hong Kong


Article Pilot Boarding and Landing – use of Personal Emergency Radio Devices

by Nick Lee, T&TC Chairman, UK Pilots - published on 4 February 2020

Personal Locator Beacons (PLB) and other individual MOB devices have been available for some years now and have evolved to incorporate a variety of different alerting methods and combinations. However, usage of these additional enhancements within UK Pilotage is still in its infancy.


Video HURON SPIRIT - PILOT BOAT - Upbound Port Huron, Michigan 8-25-2020

published on 26 August 2020

HURON SPIRIT - PILOT BOAT - Upbound On The St. Clair River Heading Into Lake Huron, To Pickup A Great Lakes Pilot From The JAMNO - POLSTEAM, Passing Under The Blue Water Bridges At Port Huron, Michigan.


Video Hybrid Future Ship Eco Italia Departure

published on 13 January 2023

HYBRID FUTURE SHIP ECO ITALIA. Time-Lapse. Gopro Max. SENIOR PILOT CAPTAIN Eyup Zafer performing departure maneuvering of Grimaldi Co Ship HYBRID RoRo ECO ITALIA. 2 TUGBOATS @captertanozgur PORT OF YILPORT - GEMLIK


Video Sustainability in pilot and embarking ladders - PTR Holland (c)

published on 5 November 2020

Sustainability concerns us all. PTR Holland (c), as a leading manufacturer of pilot and embarking ladders, is committed not only to produce the safest ladders, but also to protect our planet earth through sustainable production. PTR does so by sourcing the timber for the production of the ladders exclusively in accordance with the Federal Stewardship Council (FSC). Look for the FSC logo when buying your ladder. Take responsibility and protect our valuable rainforest! PTR Holland - Often...