Job Offer

Marine Pilot (Sheerness/UK)

published on 12 October 2022 266 -

Peel Ports Group
Sheerness, GB, ME12 1RS, United Kingdom

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Video Unboxing the TRENZ Pilot Plug

published on 5 July 2019

In this video we show you the contents of the TRENZ Pilot Plug package.
Please visit for more information.


Article One more K2m pilot boat for PNG Ports

published on 31 August 2022

The pilot boat will be christened Paga after the Paga Hill which overlooks the Fairfax Harbour where PNG Ports operates from in Port Moresby.


Video Rotterdam Pilot

published on 21 November 2020


Video Perjalanan Penuh Tantangan Maritime Pilot - Ep 23

published on 18 October 2020

Mungkin banyak sebagian dari kita masih asing dengan istilah Maritime Pilot . Padahal masa depan profesi ini sangat cerah. Kedepannya profesi ini sangat dibutuhkan baik di dunia pelayaran domestik dan internasional.
Untuk mendapatkan keahlian memandu kapal ternyata harus melalui beberapa tahap yang cukup panjang dan penuh tantangan.Simak pula perjalanan karir Capt. Akhmad Syaiful Salim sampai menjadi seorang Mariime pilot yang berhasil.
Semoga menjadi insiprasi generasi muda Indonesia....


Article Metal Shark Delivers 45 Defiant Crew Boat To Anchorage Launch

published on 3 February 2023

Boat builder Metal Shark recently delivered a welded-aluminum 45 Defiant crew boat to Anchorage Launch Services, an Oregon-based operator providing launch, line, pilotage, and cargo services to vessels on the Columbia and Willamette Rivers.


Video Yellow Magnet with Sling to secure Pilot Ladder

published on 8 January 2020

Yellow Magnet with Sling to secure Pilot Ladder


Article AMSA has published the first marine incident annual report

published on 20 October 2020

AMS has released the annual report of marine incidents reported from regulated Australian and foreign flagged vessels in Australian waters. It includes an analysis of reported marine incidents during 2016 to 2019, with a focus on 2019 data.


Video Man Overboard Rescue Drills. Ride along with the Pacific Pilotage Authority

published on 13 August 2021

Today i tagged along on the pilot boat Pacific Pathfinder and her sister ship the Pacific Chinook to film their annual Man Overboard drills and re certification. It was a pleasure to watch the crews working together to demonstrate how fast they can save a life. Filmed using a DJI Mini 2 If you are interested in purchasing a Mini here is a link to my DJI affiliate program. All video footage is owned by Northcoast Drone and it can be...


Article Marking, Certification of Pilot Ladders

by Herman Broers - published on 5 January 2021

The name tag plate on this ladder displays a few important items that can be cross referenced with the certificate: Type, Model, Length, Production date, as well as the serial number (Prod.No) and the approval standard.


Video IRAGO 7 Pilot Boat from Japan

published on 25 July 2022

IMO: - Name: IRAGO 7 PILOT BOAT Vessel Type - Generic: Pilot Vessel Vessel Type - Detailed: Pilot Vessel Status: Active MMSI: 431005936 Call Sign: - Flag: Japan [JP] Gross Tonnage: - Summer DWT: - Length Overall x Breadth Extreme: 20 x 4 m Year Built: - Home Port: -