Job Offer

Ends on 21th Oct! Assistant Harbour Master/Trainee Pilot – Newhaven Port

published on 20 October 2022 257 -

Newhaven Port & Properties Ltd
Newhaven Port, United Kingdom

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Video Pilot Boat Launch in Youghal, Co. Cork. for Port of Aden (2012)

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Pilot boat launch in Youghal on July 2012.


Video Getting to work via the pilot cutter and Tees Foyboat

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Getting to work via the pilot cutter and Tees Foyboat.


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Video VLCC Collision & Propeller Fouling

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Over the course of 4 days this August, I was afforded the opportunity and privilege of riding with the Savannah Bar Pilots for an article I was writing for a major maritime magazine. The pilots are given the responsibility of boarding a vessel in the Atlantic Ocean and safely navigating the vessel up the Tybee Road 9 (a name for the shipping lane that leads into the Savannah River), into the Savannah River, and into the Port of Savannah. The same is done in reverse when a ship is outbound...


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A group of Pilots from the Sandy Hook Pilot Association joined us for a ride along on a damp winter day.