
Turkish Chief officer fell into water checking draft, died, Russia

published on 6 February 2022 297 -

Text and photo by Fleetmon (link to original article)

Chief officer of bulk carrier İNCE EGE fell into water from pilot ladder while trying to read draft marks at Taman port, Russia, Black sea, understood early in the morning Feb 4, at nigh time. He was rescued 45 minutes later, but neither crew, no port paramedic, who was transported by tug, were able to resuscitate him, he, unfortunately, died. Understood the main cause of his death was hypothermia.

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Article Review Of Pilot Boat St. David Crash

published on 15 May 2021

The Ministry of Transport can confirm that the pilot boat, St David, was involved in a crash with a reef off of the Northeast Breaker Beacon on Thursday, May 6th, 2021 at 6:48am.


Video Near miss: VALDIVIA dangerously approached beach in Vlissingen, NL

published on 28 May 2020

Container vessel ALDIVIA (IMO 9333395) was dangerously close to public beach at Vlissingen Netherlands, on May 21, while heading out to sea, en route from Antwerp to Helsinki Finland.
The cause of dangerous approach is unknown, but the ship wasn’t detained, she continued her voyage.


Opinion A deliberately sabotaged Pilot Ladder

by Arie Palmers - published on 16 March 2022

A court sentenced a captain to a total of 30 months imprisonment: It had been proven beyond doubt that the side ropes had been manipulated to make a ship inspection more difficult or to prevent it.


Article Mars report: Man overboard while rigging the pilot ladder

by Mars report by Nautical Institute - published on 2 December 2021

Going down the accommodation ladder with neither lifevest nor safety line must have been based on similar, past, successful operations, which may have never been challenged on board. This ‘slippage’ in safety is a pernicious and common phenomenon.


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The National Transportation Board said Thursday that a Mississippi River towing vessel’s pilot and its captain pushed its tow up against a riverbank too close to a railroad track, leading to a collision and train derailment near Galland, Iowa.


Article New pilot boat delivered to Spain's Port of Ferrol

by Baird Maritime - published on 9 September 2024

Irish boatbuilder Safehaven Marine recently handed over a new pilot boat "Punta Do Cruceiro" to the Port of Ferrol in northwestern Spain


Opinion What is a Tug's Bollard Pull and How İt is Calculated?

by Capt.Alpertunga Anıker - published on 24 November 2022

The Bollard Pull value, which can be interpreted as the maximum thrust that is developed for a specific amount of time by the propulsion systems of any vessel to the fullest , when it has zero speed in the forward direction, is the criterion that allows us to understand how suitable a tugboat is for a port maneuver or a towing operation.


Video The new Bermuda pilot boat (2011)

published on 29 August 2020

This is the new Bermuda pilot/SAR boat 'St. David'. Its intended to operate up to 30miles off the island in the open north Atlantic but capable of going much further. She is a Gladding Hearn built, all weather 61' aluminum hull capable of about 30kts. She replaces a 23 year old pilot boat with the same name.


Video Goodchild Marine, PLA hybrid pilot cutter boat 'Leader' in 2019

published on 11 March 2021

Take a look at the first UK 'hybrid' pilot boat built in the UK by Goodchild Marine for the Port of London Authority. Video from 2019.