Job Offer

Marine Pilot Vacancy - Sheerness, UK

published on 15 November 2022 170 -

Peel Ports Group
Sheerness (ME12 1RS), United Kingdom

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Article Demands made by the Pacific Pilotage Authority on the shipping industry following the death of US Pilot Dennis Sherwood

by - published on 27 March 2020

The Pacific Pilotage Authority says: "There is a common misunderstanding amongst vessel operators that vessels built prior to 2012 are exempt from some of the requirements for pilot transfer arrangements. This is incorrect...".


Video How A Pilot Boards A Cargo Ship | Life At Sea

published on 4 December 2020

Over 90% of the world's trade is carried by sea. Watch and learn how a pilot boards a container ship before entering port.
In this video, a cargo ship bound for Houston, Texas is boarded by a Houston Pilot before entering the Houston Ship Channel.
#maritime #HoustonPilots #houstonshipchannel


Video Pilot Boats Swath "Cetus" & P.S.V. "Pollux" (2014)

published on 5 November 2021

Beloodsingen Met Swath "Cetus" en aan boord Pilot Station Vessel "Pollux" @ Steenbank Pilot-station @ Schouwenbank.


Video Singapore Harbour Pilot, “Who We Are”

published on 4 July 2019

Singapore Harbour Pilot, “Who We Are”


Video Taking the last Pilot off before heading home

published on 5 May 2023

After a six day hitch, we work our last ship before heading home


Video River Bann Pilots

published on 28 July 2022

River Bann pilots transfer from Athos to pilot vessel Ulidia at Barmouth, River Bann. N. Ireland


Video Pilot Ladder Safety Webinar by The Nautical Institute

published on 12 May 2022

The Nautical Institute (NI) and the International Maritime Pilots’ Association (IMPA) have been concerned for many years at the needlessly high rate of Pilot Ladder casualties. The NI is continuously reminded of the problem from its Members and through its Mariners’ Alerting and Reporting Scheme (MARS). The issue features frequently in our publications, and we recently dedicated an edition of our award winning magazine The Navigator to the topic, emphasising the importance of good...


Video Tanker maneuvering/unmooring, "MTM Potomac", 180m

published on 17 June 2021

The "MTM Potomac" is a 180 meter tanker, without a thruster and a fixed pitch, right handed propeller (like most).
This particular maneuver consisted of backing her about a ship´s length, then swinging to port with the help of 2 ASD tugs.


Video How Harbor Pilots Dock Massive Cargo Ships (Full Process)

published on 6 May 2024

In this video we follow along with Capt. Dane of the Palm Beach Harbor Pilots Association on a windy Saturday morning as he brings in a massive bulk carrier cargo ship into the Port of Palm Beach. This vessel which has a draft of 27 ft, and a beam of 99 ft is the maximum allowable size vessel allowed to transit into the port due to the shoaling going on that forces all vessel to have a maximum operating draft of 29 ft. No room for error. Also featured in this video is a regular cargo vessel...


Video Rodman 21, el modelo más compacto de la gama de embarcaciones de prácticos de Rodman.

published on 8 April 2021

Embarcación ligera apropiada para realizar trabajos auxiliares de puerto, con gran capacidad de maniobra, seguridad y velocidad.