
History: Lightship (1950)

published on 18 May 2020 144 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "British Pathé"
Goodwin Sands, Kent.

M/S bows of Trinity House ship "Ready". L/S "Tongue" lightship at sunset. Panning M/S from side to front of service ship (deck level). M/S lightship. M/S bridge of service ship, lightship passes. L/S two ships, pan to lightship.

C/U ship's telegraph coming to "stop". M/S seaman pulls fresh water hose to lightship. L/S deck of service ship, general activity. C/U provisions waiting to be transported to lightship. M/S men passing food between ships. L/S side of service ship, men watching. C/U hose connected, pan up to lightship. C/U officer on service ship.

C/U officer on lightship waving, pan to service ship pulling away. C/U seaman on lightship. M/S on lightship, sailor W. Brown, climbs ladder to lamp. M/S inside tower, sailor switches on lamp, pan to gears. C/U gears. M/S swinging lamp. Various shots light mirrors revolving. L/S moon over water.

Inside lightship. Various shots of seamen relaxing playing cards, smoking and chatting. M/S lightship master operating radio. Night shot revolving lamp.
FILM ID:1371.3
Goodwin Sands, Kent.
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