Job Offer

Harbour Master / Marine Manager

published on 13 February 2023 334 -

Mid West Ports Authority
Geraldton, Australia

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Video History of the Pen Bay Pilots and Captain Bill Abbott, presented by Captain David Gelinas

published on 1 May 2022

Captain David Gelinas will discuss the history of the Pen Bay Pilots and how the Maine's State Pilotage System is practiced on Penobscot Bay. He will also share stories about Captain Bill Abbott who mentored him when he became a pilot.


Video Why Can't Ships Reverse Around Corners?

published on 20 September 2024

This video explores the question of why ships are so difficult to manoeuvre in reverse.


Video The #MariTeam of the Port of Rotterdam #1: Harbour Coordination Centre and Dutch Pilotage

published on 26 January 2021

In the first episode of the 3-part series 'The Rotterdam Harbour MariTeam', Portvloggers Steven and Leida take you to the Harbour Coordination Centre and sail with the Dutch Pilotage. How important is teamwork in their work? Follow Port of Rotterdam also on: Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin: Website:


Video Awesome Pilot Boat Drone Video

published on 12 July 2021

It's on the Tees, vessel is the Saltholme.


Opinion How to navigate your way through chaos as a marine Pilot?

published on 9 December 2021

In my most recent article, I talked about how ports are currently faced with disruptive circumstances that severely impact the day-to-day port operations. The COVID-19 situation and blockage of the Suez Canal lead to increased operational uncertainty and a need for ports to endure the situation rather than planning the future.


Video Breakaway and grounding of CSC Friendship (Port of Brisbane)

published on 13 September 2024

The breakaway and subsequent grounding of oil products tanker CSC Friendship in the Port of Brisbane highlights that port infrastructure and associated shipping can be exposed to dynamic hazards, which includes the inherent uncertainty of extreme weather forecasts.


Article Five questions for Esil Abibula, Head of Romanian Pilotage Department

published on 27 July 2023

In our section “Five questions for ..." introduces pilots and other market players to our readers in short interviews.

Today we have talked to Esil Abibula, Head of Romanian Pilotage Department.


Video MAERSK: "We have made boarding safer for pilots on more than 100 ships"

published on 8 September 2022

Official Video by MAERSK:" In the past two years we have made boarding safer for maritime pilots on more than 100 ships."


Video Proses Pilot boat Merapat ke kapal Tanker Untuk menjemput PILOT

published on 19 December 2022

Proses PILOT BOAT merapat ke kapal Tanker untuk menjemput PILOT Di perairan negara Brunei Darussalam.. Thanks For Watching.. #bluevlog #pilotboat #bruneidarussalam #adventure #salamsatujangkar


Video Liverpool Pilot Boats Naming Ceremony (2018)

published on 13 July 2022

Pilot boats Petrel, Kittiwake and Razorbill officially named in the Albert Dock, Liverpool back in April 2018. Each boat was officially named. Afterwards i was allowed onboard to have a sneak peak at Petrel, which a short video is included at the end of this video.