Job Offer

Assistant Harbour Master

published on 9 March 2023 258 -

Shannon Foynes Port Company
Shannon Foynes, Ireland

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Article Investigation report on the Kiel Canal lock collision of August 2020

published on 27 October 2022

The Federal Bureau of Maritime Casualty Investigation (BSU) hereby announces the publication of the Investigation Report No. 285/20 on 26 October 2022. The report deals with the contact of the multipurpose ship ELSE with a closed lockgate of the Kiel-Holtenau lock which occurred on 29 August 2020.


Article Port of Grays Harbor takes delivery on new pilot boat, Vega

by - published on 17 September 2020

After years of looking, the Port of Grays Harbor has its new pilot boat, the Vega, to replace the 60-year-old Chehalis.


Video Pilot transfer Suez Canal

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Video Departure pier#44 June 2020 Constanta Port, Romania

published on 26 June 2020

Video by marine pilot ESIL ABIBULA.


Video 17.2 metre pilot boat by Dongara Marine - Svitzer Marlin

published on 16 February 2024

Handed over to leading global towage operator Svitzer in August 2023, Svitzer Marlin is the first example of Dongara Marine’s 17.2 metre Berkeley Class pilot boat, a smaller variant of the already successful 19.2 metre Berkeley Class vessels. In addition to being the first 17.2 metre Berkeley Class contracted, the all-aluminium vessel is differentiated by using the Volvo Penta Inboard Performance System (IPS). With a total installed power of just over 900kW (1200hp), the Svitzer pilot boat...


Video What Happened To The Napoli?

published on 22 October 2021

In this video, you can take a look at what happened when the Napoli broke her back and was run aground on the south coast of the UK.


Video Luke Pollard tests out the new pilot boat

published on 31 January 2022

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Video Crane Collision at Kaohsiung Port Taiwan on 03.06.2021

published on 3 June 2021

Video from Thursday (June 3) showing a massive container crane collapsing and workers running for their lives at the Port of Kaohsiung.
At 11 a.m. on Thursday, police received a report that a dockside gantry crane had collapsed at container yard Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp. at the Port of Kaohsiung's Pier 70, reported TVBS. Prior to the accident, a container ship operated by Orient Overseas Container Line, commonly known as OOCL, was seen lurching dangerously close to the dock before...


Article British Ports Association Eyeing up Autonomous shipping possibilities

published on 26 August 2020

The British Ports Association has launched a new initiative looking at the implications of autonomous shipping for UK ports, including a call for evidence from interested parties. Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) involves the automation of vessel and onboard processes which could alter how ports and ships interface with each other. The BPA which represents the majority of UK port activity including 85% of the shipping movements in and out of the country, is keen to explore what the future developments of shipping will mean for the sector.