Job Offer

Canada BC Pilot

published on 6 September 2023 578 -


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Video Northbound

published on 14 October 2024

Follow Puget Sound Pilot Pat Ninburg as he embarks on a routine job, northbound in the Puget Sound -- from Seattle to Port Angeles, WA.


Video M/V PILOT 68 (CHEOY LEE shipyards 17m Self-righting Pilot Boat)

published on 13 December 2023

M/V PILOT 68 (CHEOY LEE shipyards 17m Self-righting Pilot Boat)


Video 3D Simulation of a ship collision in Kiel Canal - Munksund cw Balticborg Nov 8 2020 Kiel Canal

published on 19 July 2022

On November the 8th 2020 container feeder vessel Munksund collided with the RoRo cargo vessel Balticborg. The collision occurred, most likely caused by banking conditions, in the eastern section of the Kiel Canal near km 96. This is a combined 2D/3D representation of the collision created with MSG Prospector, MSG Plotter and Google Earth.


Article Goodchild Marine to Build New Pilot Boat for Portland Port

published on 2 December 2022

Portland Harbour Authority in Dorset are set to benefit from a new pilot boat built by Goodchild Marine Services Limited.


Video Navigating on St Lawrence River towards cargo ship Federal Kumano

published on 8 November 2022

Waiting on the porch of boat pilot cabin. Putting on life vest and embarking on boat pilot speedboat. Navigating on St Lawrence River towards cargo ship Federal Kumano. Embarking on cargo ship. Talking stairs up tp navigation bridge. Meeting crew.Taking over controls of Federal Kumano.


Article St Johns Bar Pilots Order New Launch from Gladding-Hearn

published on 1 March 2023

Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Duclos Corporation, has taken an order from the St. Johns Bar Pilots for a high-speed launch, based on the successful 40’ Resilient Class pilot boat introduced in 2005. Delivery to the Florida-based pilots is scheduled for mid-2024.


Video Pilot Boat Indonesia

published on 14 April 2022

#pilotboat #pelabuhanindonesia


Video Porthos Lima, presented during the 53rd EMPA GENERAL MEETING

published on 17 January 2020

Conapra's Technical Director, the pilot Porthos Lima, presented during the 53rd EMPA GENERAL MEETING the application developed for smartphones, inspired by the 2017 IMPA SECURITY CAMPAIGN. This tool allows pilots to report deficiencies in the Pilot Packing Arrangements and ship equipment, and these reports are instantly available to all Brazilian pilots. In the presentation Mr. Lima, representative of the Brazilian Maritime Pilots Association, showed how the App works and presented its...


Video Pilots Take on Rough Seas

published on 24 March 2022

Unless you were paying attention on your last cruise, you might have missed the pilot boat bringing the pilot out to your cruise ship.