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Canada BC Pilot

published on 6 September 2023 578 -


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Opinion Fashion Label "Camp David" launches "Sea Pilots" Collection

by Frank Diegel - published on 29 September 2020

The label was developed in 1997 by the company Clinton as a brand of leisurewear for men.


Opinion One of my favorite Marine Pilots' pictures of the year

by Frank Diegel - published on 26 May 2020

I think this is one of my favorite Marine Pilots' pictures of the year. Very powerful. What a dynamic photo! The moment was instantly caught by the photographer.


Opinion "Ship's Pilot" - A poem by Gaylen K. Bunker

by Frank Diegel - published on 13 February 2020

A wonderful poem by Gaylen K. Bunker found on YouTube. As read by the author from bis book "Poems".


Video Failed overtaking of another ship in a canal - Port Revel Shiphandling

published on 10 May 2020

Manoeuvring large ships at close quarters and on shallow water is one of the most difficult aspects of shiphandling because of the complex hydraulic interactions depending on the ships' speeds, on the water depth and on lateral restrictions like in canals. Training is conducted both on meeting and on overtaking ships in shallow waters. This video shows how overtaking in a canal can easily fail.
More information:


Video Port of Fremantle

published on 14 October 2019

Case Study: A study conducted for Fremantle Ports on vessel interacting within the harbour.


Article Awards 2022 | Best small Pilot Boat - "Balbblair"- Safehaven Marine

by Baird Maritime - published on 17 April 2023

Following in a long line of ever more refined and very seaworthy vessels, this small example of a Safehaven pilot boat has been chosen for operations on and around Scotland’s Cromarty Firth.


Article WARDAN – New pilot boat delivered to western australia port operator

by Baird Maritime - published on 18 December 2023

The Southern Ports Authority of Western Australia recently welcomed a new pilot boat into service.
Built by Hart Marine of Victoria, the boat has been named Wardan after the sea water off Wardandi Country, where it will also primarily operate.


Video Simplified Vector Approach for POD forces – samples and limitations

published on 23 February 2022

This movie belongs to the operation of ships with POD propellers and discusses the approach for using a vector model from only the pods’ thrust forces as resulting force to imagine the potential effect of the pods on manoeuvring motion.


Article New thinking bolsters marine pilot team in New Zealand

by Port Taranaki Duty Pilot - published on 3 September 2024

An innovative approach to marine pilotage recruitment and training has increased the breadth of skills and knowledge in our marine team and set us up for the long term.


Article NAUTITEC Shiphandling Simulator and Training Centre, Germany

published on 9 February 2021

NAUTITEC as a maritime simulation and training centre offers various services for shipping companies, port authorities, captains and for pilots and tug crews.