Article NTSB Report: Contact of Tanker Riverside with Moda Ingleside Energy Center No. 4 Loading Dock
published on 30 March 2022
On March 15, 2021, about 1302 local time, the oil tanker Riverside with a crew of 21 and 2 pilots was transiting outbound from the port of Corpus Christi, near Ingleside, Texas, in a loaded condition when the vessel lost propulsion and struck the no. 4 loading dock at the Moda Ingleside Energy Center. 1 No pollution or injuries were reported. Damage to the vessel was estimated at $550,000. The estimated property damage to the facility was $7 million.
Article Skipper and pilot died in pilot boat collision, Kobe
published on 27 September 2022
Article Investigation report on the crane collision in Antwerp on 09.12.2019
by - published on 2 September 2020
Video MV Wakashio breaks in two off Mauritius coast
published on 17 August 2020
A Japanese bulk carrier that has spilled more than 1,000 tons of oil since running aground off the coast of Mauritius has broken in two. Officials said the split was caused by a crack in a cargo hold, after the ship's condition deteriorated severely overnight. Emergency teams and thousands of volunteers have been racing to siphon off remaining fuel on board the ship.
Article Ship enters closed gate of the Holtenau lock in Kiel Canal
by - published on 29 August 2020
Article Rumos Práticos 58 published in Portuguese and English
published on 8 June 2021
One hundred and sixty-seven years ago, what was once a pilots’ association became Pernambuco Pilot Station. On February 28th of 1854, Pilot Station 9 first appeared in the port of Recife, and was to assume the current configuration with the development of the Suape port complex, in the Ipojuca municipality, 40 kilometers away. In the fourth article of the series on Brazilian ZPs of this edition, Rumos Práticos reveals the main challenges met in the state of Pernambuco by the pilot station, which today joins in implementing new operations and overcoming infrastructure bottlenecks.