The low cost course is delivered on any connected device including employees own personal devices and certifies the student as competent in pilot transfer for 12 months on completion.
The low cost course is delivered on any connected device including employees own personal devices and certifies the student as competent in pilot transfer for 12 months on completion.
Video Kittiwake Mersey Pilot
published on 22 December 2021
Video Polaris Pilot Boat Antwerp Belgium
published on 15 March 2022
Vessel name: Polaris ; Year built: 2012 ; Flag: Netherlands ; Homeport: Rotterdam Length: 81.2m X 13.3m ; GRT: 2501 ; Callsign: PBZN ; MMSI:245142000 ; IMO: 9496915 Type: Special Vessel / Pilot Ship A "Pilot Ship / Pilot Vessel" is a "special type" of ship in which it accommodates a certain and limited Marine Pilots (Sea, River, Harbor Pilots), it also carries small boats/crafts that are used to tender services to and from the Pilot ship. In a Pilot Vessel, the Pilots can take their time...
Article Harken presents the new man overboard recovery system
by Harken - published on 22 July 2024
Article Pilot transfer arrangements by AMSA
by - published on 18 November 2019
Video SWATH Pilottender Groden, good operational experience under all weather conditions
published on 12 March 2021
Video Cape Size LOA:299.95Mtrs, Southbound Destination 🇨🇳 with 200324Mtons of Iron Ore...
published on 22 September 2020
Article #dangerousladders - Using social media to improve pilot transfer safety.
by Kevin Vallance deep sea pilot and author - published on 12 December 2019
It remains a sad fact that accidents and near misses continue to occur during pilot transfers with frightening regularity. Most of these fortunately do not result in injury, and a surprisingly high number of them are not even recognised for what they are.
Surveys into pilot ladder safety consistently reveal that unacceptably high numbers of pilot transfer arrangements are not compliant with the regulations.
Video Brazilian Pilotage Maneuver Simulation Center
published on 14 June 2022
Maneuvering ships are complex operations with high-risk involved. Just like nautical projects, they need to be simulated on training centers before approved. In a scenario of growing ships and limited waterways, state-of-the-art technology is essential to safely increase ports efficiency. That is why Brazilian Pilotage brought the most modern bridge simulator next to the maritime regulatory entities. Located a few minutes from government agencies, in the brazilian capital, our training...