
GIDAS - GNSS Interference Detection & Analysis System

published on 29 April 2021 37 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "OHB Digital Solutions GmbH". Recorded on 2020-05-29. Originally published on 2020-05-29.
OHB Digital Solutions GmbH develops systems for monitoring the GNSS frequency bands as well as detection, classification and localization of intentional or unintentional interference sources.

Many stakeholders and applications as well as critical infrastructure providers are relying on GNSS to provide their services. Since Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are widely used in safety and value critical applications, GIDAS detects, classifies and localizes any GNSS interference signals and thus reduces the already existing threat of receiving worse GNSS accuracies or even denial of GNSS service.

GIDAS considerably improves save and robust operation of GNSS receivers, terminals, and GNSS-based applications by offering the capabilities for reliable detecting, classifying and localizing GNSS jamming and spoofing attacks in real-time.

System Architecture consists of
- Monitoring Station
- Antenna and monitoring receiver
- Detection and alert generation
- Monitoring Centre
- Classification
- Localization
- Data storage and reporting
- Graphical User Interface
- Monitoring station and user configuration
- Visualization of monitoring results
- Post-processing and detailed analysis features
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