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The Port of Townsville, northern Australia’s largest multi-cargo port, is expanding its fleet of pilot boats to four.
The Port has awarded Hart Marine a $3 million contract to build a 17.3m ORC vessel that is due for delivery later in 2020. The new high-tech vessel will be slightly longer but have the same design features as the PV Osprey which was delivered by Hart Marine in late 2017.
Did you know? In Newcastle, marine pilot transfers are carried out mostly by helicopter. Helicopter transfers are used for several reasons including pilot safety and efficiency, and as the largest bulk shipping port on Australia’s East Coast, that’s the name of the game! #PortAuthorityofNSW #marinepilotage #helicopter #newcastle #newcastleharbour #shipping ••• Port Authority of New South Wales manages the navigation, security and operational safety needs of commercial shipping in Sydney...
The fascinating tale told by Roger Francis about his life at sea and ultimately as a Deep Sea Pilot. The explanation in detail of the terrific responsibilities comes with tales of daring-do, near misses and other peoples' disasters. Roger's personal tale takes him from kiddy to cadet and from 3rd Mate to Master before he became a Deep Sea Pilot guiding shipping on the busiest shipping thoroughfare in the world - the Dover Straits. On top of this, there is love interest and action in war...