The construction site of the new lock can also be seen.
Pilotage Service in this Area by:
Klaipeda is one among few seaports in Europe, where maritime pilots are able to carry out operations in remote mode. As it is attempted to avoid contact with other persons as much as possible during the quarantine, several trials have already been performed in the seaport. They revealed that such assistance for the vessels sailing in Klaipeda Port is effective and safe.
The Atlantic Pilotage Authority has released its Annual Report 2020.
The Pilotage Act has defined the Atlantic Pilotage Authority’s area of operation as all the Canadian waters in and around the provinces of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador, as indicated on the map. Within this region, the Authority has designated 17 compulsory pilotage areas.
This video complements the earlier demonstration of wind effect on straight track and shows now wind effect on turning circles. It can be seen that during a turn under strong wind the ship reduces turning when it comes close to equilibrium on straight track - if the Wind-to-ship speed ratio is big enough then the ship even goes straight instead of turning. This is shown for three samples for Head, Stern wind and Beam wind. The turning can be increased if the ratio of Wind speed-to-ship...