Video Look at Life - City of Sailors - Portsmouth - 1965, UK
published on 18 March 2021
Opinion Example of a passage and berthing plan
by - published on 19 June 2020
Video "Majesty of the Seas" berthing Portsmouth International Port. Tug view
published on 10 August 2020
Video by Andy Mabbett, UK
A lovely morning for the arrival of the Royal Caribbean International Majesty of the Seas into Portsmouth International Port. Apologies for my basic editing but the overlays in each corner provide an idea of what my tugs azimuth thrusters were doing along the way with the sliders showing engine and propeller power. The Damen Shipyards Group ASD 2411 'MARKSMAN' of SMS Towage is an awesome tug with 70t Bollard Pull. This ensures the customer's v/l is handled safely...
Video The new Bermuda pilot boat (2011)
published on 29 August 2020
This is the new Bermuda pilot/SAR boat 'St. David'. Its intended to operate up to 30miles off the island in the open north Atlantic but capable of going much further. She is a Gladding Hearn built, all weather 61' aluminum hull capable of about 30kts. She replaces a 23 year old pilot boat with the same name.
Article Maryland Pilots Places Order for Another Baltimore Class Launch from
published on 26 May 2023
Video North River Boats (Pilot Boat)
published on 30 January 2020
Video Kapal Pilot Pelabuhan Gilimas Lombok
published on 11 April 2022
Pilot boat adalah kapal yang memandu kapal besar masuk kedalam pelabuhan melalui alur yang berbahaya dan ramai sampai sandar di dermaga. Selain itu Kapal pandu (pilot boat) adalah kapal/ boat yang digunakan untuk mengantar/ menjemput petugas pandu yang akan memandu/selesai melakukan pemanduan.
#kapal #pilotboat #lombok