
Marine pilot transfer Port Botany

published on 9 January 2020 457 -

Video showing marine pilot navigating a cargo ship from Port Botany.
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Video Not an easy pilot boarding in rough conditions: Milford Haven - 15-01-15

published on 10 March 2021

Crude Oil Tanker British Robin passing St Anns Head on a rather windy day in Pembrokeshire.


Video When a pilot boarding is aborted

published on 27 January 2022

Wind was blowing strong from the NE and the waves were becoming bigger and bigger by the time we reach a new client.
Crew didn't consider the rolling effect about to happen while changing heading in order to give lee when they prepared pilot ladder, so the requested 1.5m above the water was not that good.
I decided to abort and to give the vessel the chance to shorten it. In the next attempt they did it right and I was able to board safe


Video Pilotage in Kenya: a really dangerous job

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Video Pilot Vessel BAYPILOT1 12 2020

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Gross Tonnage:?
Home Port:Sumoto
Boat to pick up and drop off pilots


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Video Life of Reef Pilot - Capt. Vikram Hede

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My background Why does a ship need a marine pilot How did we get here b.w.o training and qualification? Background history of Reef Pilots Info on different pilot stations within the Great Barrier Reef Torres Straits with its complex tides Our commute to work - boat & helicopter videos Different types of ships, cargoes and nationalities trading within the Great Barrier Reef Work life onboard.... the good, the bad and the ugly Some trivia and fun facts about mariners’ life at sea


Video Manobra no Porto de Tubarão (ES)

published on 25 May 2020

Manobra de entrada no Porto de Tubarão. #Praticagem do Espírito Santo. Zona de Praticagem 14: Vitória, Tubarão, Praia Mole, Barra do Riacho e Ubu.