
14 Days Timelapse of U.S. East Coast in 10 Minutes, across New York, Charleston, Savannah

published on 21 January 2020 191 -

One of my favorite time-lapse videos. Awesome pictures and also great music.
What a masterpiece! Thank you Jeffrey!

Video by jeffrey@hkon YouTube

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Video Training of the Elbe pilots - documentary (in german)

published on 6 November 2020

Die Lotsenbrüderschaft Elbe ist ein geschlossener Kreis, der sich nicht gern in die Karten schauen lässt. Wer dort Mitglied werden und bis zu 400 Meter lange Containerpötte in den Hamburger Hafen steuern möchte, muss hohe Anforderungen erfüllen. Bewerber müssen mehrere Jahre lang zur See gefahren sein, um ausreichend Fahrpraxis zu haben. Aber es gibt immer weniger deutsche Seeleute, weil die Reeder billigere Kräfte aus dem Ausland bevorzugen. Dadurch wird es zunehmend schwierig,...


Article A journey back in time: films of pilotage from 1940 to 1975 (USA, UK and Germany)

by Frank Diegel - published on 18 May 2020

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Opinion UK Marine Pilot’s Perspective of Seafarer’s Challenges.

by Ivana-Maria Carrioni-Burnett - published on 24 August 2020

Port of London Authority marine Pilot, Ms. Ivana Carrioni-Burnett, provides a personal opinion and insight into her recent experiences in UK waters as a newly qualified Pilot in relation to her interactions with seafarers away from their families, including during the COVID-19 crisis.


Opinion Should the Captain go down with the ship?

by Melvin Mathews - published on 10 November 2020

At one point, the Captain on the Ship while being highly respected, also carried great responsibility and had the ultimate accountability for everything on board. But this respect, responsibility and accountability has not come overnight, or just when the Captain wears his four stripes.


Article Gladding-Hearn Delivers Pilot Boat to Associated Federal Pilots

published on 21 September 2021

Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Duclos Corporation delivered a new Chesapeake class pilot boat to the Associated Federal Pilots in Venice, Louisiana.


Video Port of Los Angeles: Career RePORT - Port Pilots Edition

published on 8 May 2021

Career RePORT encourages all students and educators to submit questions you want to ask a Port of Los Angeles employee: what kind of job they do at the Port, how they entered their career field, who their favorite superhero is, or what they made for dinner last night. This episode features John Mayer, Port Pilot. In his role, John: - Drives the 400-meter container ships containing goods in and out of the Port every day. - Safely navigates the cruise ships that are transitioning to and...


Video Reach And Rescue Product Video

published on 6 February 2020