Article MARS-Report: Paltry PPU position predictor
by The Nautical Insitute - published on 18 August 2023
Opinion Pilotage Wisdom
by Frank Diegel - published on 1 September 2020
Video Teaser: “The Robert Smalls Story”, American Maritime Pilot
published on 1 May 2022
Video ENTRE TERRE ET MER - Le pilotage maritime
published on 7 June 2021
La Nouvelle-Calédonie, notamment la Grande Terre, a la particularité d'être complètement entourée par un lagon, seules quelques passes rendent son accès possible aux navires venant de l'étranger. La navigation maritime y est délicate car une bonne connaissance de la topologie des fonds sous-marins est indispensable. Tous les bateaux de commerces de plus de 60 m voulant accoster en Nouvelle-Calédonie doivent impérativement faire appel aux services des pilotes maritimes de Nouvelle-Calédonie,...
Video Falmouth Pilots: Working as Maritime Pilot (Documentary 2019)
published on 30 March 2022
published on 24 May 2021
Video AIS Track APL MEXICO CITY - Accident in Antwerp on 09.12.2019
published on 10 September 2020
Video AIS Track by Nolan Dragon - What had happened: Container ship APL MEXICO CITY broke off her mooring at Doel, Antwerp, in the afternoon Dec 9, drifted across harbor and contacted DP World pier crane. Crane collapsed and was totally destroyed. No injures reported. Cause of the accident (according to the report from FEBIMA): "The allision of the mv APL MEXICO CITY with a gantry crane at the Port of Antwerp on 9 December 2019 stemmed from exceptional meteorological...
Video A world leader in pilot boat building: Safehaven Marine
published on 30 April 2021
Cork based Safehaven Marine is most famous for dramatic videos of its boats during stormy weather sea trials. It’s ‘Interceptor 48’ are in service taking on all types of sea conditions around the world. The newest vessel the ‘Belgrano’ will be used by pilots on the River Plate estuary Montevideo, Uruguay.