
Pilot 15 WP

published on 27 February 2020 213 -

Award winning 15m wavepiercing pilot boat
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by Baltic Workboats AS - published on 15 December 2019

Since 1978 Lyman-Morse has built more than 110 vessels, ranging from aluminum workboats to high-end composite racing yachts and luxury power yachts. “Their experience with so many different building materials opens up a world of new possibilities for our vessels,” says Baltic Workboats’ CEO Margus Vanaselja.


Video Pilot 22 WP

published on 27 February 2020

22m wavepiercing pilot boat


Video Pilot 17 WP

by Baltic Workboats AS - published on 27 February 2020

17 m wavepiercing pilot boat


Article Historical pilot schooner "Elbe No. 5"​ collied with containership and sank.

by - published on 9 June 2019

This ship is a legend: The pilot schooner "No. 5 Elbe" is the oldest operating seagoing ship in Hamburg. Furthermore, the "white lady" is a real beauty. That's why it's a tragedy what happened on Pentecost Saturday: The two-master collided with a container ship and sank!


Video Pilot Boarding with Pilot Boat SEA MASTER Rio De La Plata, Argentina

published on 13 November 2021

This video was filmed on board Pilot Vessel "SEA MASTER" and shows the moments when the Pilot Boat was proceeding to the #BoardingStation #KM239_1 #PuntaIndioChannel #Recalada #RioDeLaPlata to the vessel "GLORY HARVEST", to start with the Embarking Maneuvering of the #RioDeLaPlataPilots


Video SWATH vs. Mono Hull

published on 21 December 2019

Challenge between SWATH tender "DÖSE" and two 30m mono hull vessels in 2013.


Video Hamburg Pilot Boats: "Lotse 1" and "Lotse 2"

published on 6 January 2025

Flotte Hamburg Pilot. Lotse 1/Lotse 2 (MMSI 211281010) Pilot Vessel. Tonnage 93. L. 23.2. W. 6.12. Built 1995. Heinrich Grube Schiffswerft. Flag Germany.


Article Pilot Shortage is Causing Vessel Traffic Backup in China

by Maritime Direct - published on 10 November 2021

Traffic has began to become congested and slowed due to specialized river pilots being mandated to quarantine due to Covid-19 regulations when returning from duties along China’s Yangtze which happens to be the longest river in East Asia.


Video Pilotage In Maldives

published on 27 September 2020

World Maritime Day Program, Pilotage in Maldives. Documentary Produced by Capt.Mohamed Shahid in association with AMMARI (Association for Maldives Maritime Industry and Maldives Ports Limited. Special thanks to :- Mr. Shahid Ali, CEO, Maldives Ports Ltd. Capt. Ahmed Rasheed, Harbor Master, Maldives Ports Ltd. Mr. Muzni Mohamed, Maldives Ports Ltd. Capt. Hussain Faisal, Senior Pilot, Maldives Ports Ltd. Capt. Ahmed Muaz, Senior Pilot, Maldives Ports Ltd. Capt. Zaid, President, Association...


Video Entering the Port of Vitória

published on 22 April 2022

Let's enter the Port of Vitória? Marcelo Silva takes us through the channel. He leads a ship 213 meters long and 32 meters wide to the berth. Draught ahead 8,70m and aft 9,60m. Air draught 44,10 m.