Video Inbound San Juan harbor new pilot boat build by Safehaven marine
published on 17 April 2020
Video Safehaven Marine Interceptor 60
published on 11 February 2025
Whilst filming for the Voyager T2000 I was asked by Frank from Safehaven Marine if I wanted to make a video about the brand new Pilot Interceptor 60. There was no way that I was going to miss this opportunity!
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Article Safehaven Marine delivers a new Interceptor 48, 15m Pilot Vessel to the San Juan Bay Pilots, Puerto Rico.
by - published on 11 May 2020
Safehaven Marine have delivered one our Interceptor 48 pilot vessels to the San Juan Bay Pilots, Puerto Rico.
This marks Safehaven Marines 41st pilot boat delivered to portsWorldwide. ‘Harbor Thunder’ a very striking
design, she is powered by a pair of Cummins QSM11 engines at a heavy duty rating of 450hp, allowing the
vessel an economical continuous operational speed of 22-23kts.
Video Pilot Boat "Tribulation". Cairns, Australia
published on 27 September 2021
Article BELCINAC – Compact pilot boat to operate in France’s Seine river
by Baird Maritime - published on 22 November 2023
Video Tideman Boats, indestructible HDPE workboats
published on 16 January 2020
Video Genesis – Berkeley Class Pilot Boat by Dongara Marine
published on 25 October 2020
Harbour Services Australia was the client for this ultra-efficient pilot vessel, Dongara Marine's second Berkeley Class pilot boat to operate from the port of Fremantle. Delivered in June 2019 it joined Fremantle Pilots’ Berkeley, which had already been operating with great success in the Western Australian port since 2015. Purpose-designed to maximise overall operability and the safety and comfort of pilots and crew even in demanding sea conditions, the Berkeley Class provides: • High open...