
Maritime Piloting in the 17th-Century

published on 25 June 2022 217 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "JYF Museums". Originally published on 2022-03-09.
Many people wonder how ships made it across entire oceans without getting lost in the seventeenth century. Aaron introduces seventeenth century navigation to us today by beginning with piloting.

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Jan vanderDoe Netherlands
on 26 June 2022, 23:54 UTC

Love it. During my schooling for leading seaman, I was trained to work with the leadline and deep lead.
Swing it up till it is horizontal ahead of you, drop it and when it is straight down read the depth.


Video Look at Life - Saint Lawrence Seaway in Canada - 1960

published on 18 March 2021

The Saint Lawrence Seaway is a system of locks, canals, and channels in Canada and the United States that permits oceangoing vessels to travel from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes of North America, as far inland as Duluth, Minnesota, at the western end of Lake Superior.


Video Look at Life - City of Sailors - Portsmouth - 1965, UK

published on 18 March 2021

Look at Life - City of Sailors - Portsmouth - 1965
Portsmouth is no longer the sea-faring city it once was; this film from the Documentary Series "Look At Life" Volume 5 - Cultural Heritage in 1965 looks at its changing face.


Video Look at Life - Sea Horses - Tugboats from the 1960s

published on 18 March 2021

The video is the latest Look at Life, Volume One - Transport called Sea Horses – Little Tugs, without which any big port would come to a standstill, are featured made in May 1962, UK.


Video Maritime Training: Man Overboard! Training Video

published on 4 July 2020

Visit to purchase the full-length version. Produced by Maritime Training Services.


Video Spiral-Test -Manoeuvre for detailed identification of Yaw Stability using Samples of Cruise Ship

published on 29 September 2021

This video shows an introduction on the Spiral-Test-Manoeuvre and describes the procedure how to steer through this manoeuvre and measure the data needed. The results will be displayed in a characteristic diagram allowing to identify stable and unstable conditions and related, detailed information, e.g. spiral loop width and height, rudder angle of neutral effect. Samples of stable and unstable ship behaviour demonstrations will be shown by Fast Time Simulation using the SAMMON Planning tool.


Opinion Scientific Fact: The ‘traditional’ understanding of the ship’s pivot point is wrong!

by Tim Cummins, Harbour Pilot, Portsmouth International Port - published on 9 July 2020

In fact, the pivot point that we “see” is a trick of the eye, it looks like the ship is rotating about this point but in fact it is elsewhere, a point that you cannot see.

Video Successful overtaking of another ship in a canal - Port Revel Shiphandling

published on 10 May 2020

Manoeuvring large ships at close quarters and on shallow water is one of the most difficult aspects of shiphandling because of the complex hydraulic interactions depending on the ships' speeds, on the water depth and on lateral restrictions like in canals. Training is conducted both on meeting and on overtaking ships in shallow waters. This video shows how overtaking in a canal should be conducted: come in close to the stern and then move away from the bow that will be sucked towards your...


Video Ship Pilot Training - Harbour Pilot Simulator

published on 24 September 2020

A maritime pilot, marine pilot, harbor pilot, port pilot, ship pilot, bar pilot, or simply pilot, is a mariner who maneuvers ships through dangerous or congested waters, such as harbors or river mouths. They are navigational experts possessing knowledge of the particular waterway such as its depth, currents, and hazards, as well as being experts in handling ships of all types and sizes. A Maritime pilot is an expert ship handler who is licensed or authorized by a recognized pilotage...


Article Available now! The new revised 4th edition of 'TUG USE IN PORT' by Captain Henk Hensen

published on 18 August 2021

Already nearly 25 years the authoritative guide on tug operations and IMO recommended. It addresses present and future developments and shows how training can be carried out and what should be trained,


Video Pilot boat NES, North East Spit Pilots (UK)

published on 16 March 2022

Awesome clip from UK