
Vessel collision with Breakwater in Marseille port, France

published on 21 June 2020 3519 -

Video Courtesy: Kristijan Sablic

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Ed Enos Hawaii Pilots' Association, USA
on 23 June 2020, 03:32 UTC

No course change.
No visual change of wake (astern propulsion?)
On cell phone?
[show more]

Ricardo Caballero Vega Panama Canal Pilots Association, Panama
on 21 June 2020, 22:37 UTC



Video Ships Collision at Malacca Strait- 02-Oct-2020

published on 3 October 2020

Dredger OCEANLINE 5001 sailing at full speed struck anchored tanker STROVOLOS with moored alongside supply vessel, at around 1140 LT (UTC +8) Oct 2, on Melaka anchorage, Malaysia, Malacca Strait. The results can be seen on video – tanker suffered portside hull breach above waterline and apparently, some damage on cargo deck.


Video Safety of Navigation vs. Commercial Pressure

published on 18 January 2021

Safety of Navigation vs. Commercial Pressure / ROMEILs Tv Commercial Pressures impacts the safety of the vessel, study says Seafarers are pressured to keep quiet and keep the ship moving by ship operators, who dont want to lose inccome. Ship's officers who bring safety issues to the attention of management are exposed to the risk of retaliation. As whistle-blowers they may face punishment, demotion or even termination. International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots (MM&P) has...


Video Hamburg-Süd 10.000-TEU container ship breached hull in ferry pontoon contact in Brazil

published on 27 June 2021

Container ship CAP SAN ANTONIO contacted landing pontoon of Santos – Guaruja commute ferry in the afternoon Jun 20, while leaving Santos, Brazil. The ship dragged pontoon for some time, and sustained portside hull breach above waterline, probably in ballast tank area. CAP SAN ANTONIO was taken to outer anchorage and anchored, for investigation, survey, probably for some temporary repairs. She’s bound for Paranagua.


Article Miscommunication Leads to Tug Striking Shore Facility, Causes $1.47 Million Damage

published on 4 August 2021

A bulk carrier was departing port with a pilot on the bridge to assist with the undocking and manoeuvre downriver. The operation was also assisted by two conventionally propelled tugs, one forward and one aft.


Video Kiel Canal: Collision with Holtenau High Bridge (Holtenauer Hochbrücke)

published on 1 December 2022

The Finnish special vessel "Meri" collided with Holtenau High Bridge (Holtenauer Hochbrücke) over the Kiel Canal early on 30 Nov 2022 morning at around 4.37 am.


Video "Golden Ray" harbor pilot details his harrowing experience when it capsized

published on 19 September 2020

Captain Jonathan Tennant has been called a hero for his decision to intentionally ground the Golden Ray, keeping it out of the main shipping channel.


Video Why Did MV Golden Ray Capsize? NTSB Releases Report

published on 24 September 2021

On this episode of What's Going On With Shipping, Sal Mercogliano examines the National Transportation Safety Board's Report on the capsizing of the roll-on/roll-off vehicle carrier MV Golden Ray in St. Simons Sound, Georgia on September 8, 2019.


Article Gladding-Hearn Delivers High-Speed Launch to St. Lawrence Seaway Pilots

published on 21 August 2020

Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Duclos Corporation delivered a Chesapeake class pilot boat to the Seaway Pilots Inc. in Cape Vincent, NY. The Seaway pilots navigate ships in and out of the ports and harbors of the St. Lawrence Seaway between St. Regis, NY and Port Weller on Lake Ontario.


Article Overview of documents concerning the COVID-19 pandemic by EMPA

published on 11 November 2020

The European Maritime Pilots' Association (EMPA) has compiled a very good overview of current (and also country-specific) documents concerning the COVID-19 pandemic on its website. This page is updated regularly.