
Maritime Pilot Training VI - Pilot Ladder Training

published on 12 May 2021 149 -

Training the next generation of maritime pilots in the port of IJmuiden (May 2021). They teach them how to use a pilot ladder and what will happen should they fall in the water. Thanks to the pilots involved and the person who filmed.
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Video Maritime Training: Man Overboard! Training Video

published on 4 July 2020

Visit to purchase the full-length version. Produced by Maritime Training Services.


Video Failed overtaking of another ship in a canal - Port Revel Shiphandling

published on 10 May 2020

Manoeuvring large ships at close quarters and on shallow water is one of the most difficult aspects of shiphandling because of the complex hydraulic interactions depending on the ships' speeds, on the water depth and on lateral restrictions like in canals. Training is conducted both on meeting and on overtaking ships in shallow waters. This video shows how overtaking in a canal can easily fail.
More information:


Video Fathom Safety (UK): New Online Pilot Ladder Training

published on 13 February 2024

Fathom Safety now offers an online course on Pilot Ladder Training


Article “The Pilot Ladder Manual”, 2nd Edition by Kevin Vallance

by Kevin Vallance - published on 22 January 2024

This publication (2024) details the rules, regulations and procedures that should be followed when preparing for pilot embarkation and disembarkation. It includes relevant excerpts from SOLAS regulations and IMO resolutions.


Article Risk analysis of collision accidents during underway STS berthing maneuver through integrating fault tree analysis (FTA) into Bayesian network (BN)

by Capt. Mustafa Sökükcü and Cenk Sakar - published on 3 May 2023

This research paper could be useful tool for marine pilots as well during the risk analysis of STS manoeuvrings. In light of the findings of the research, STS manoeuvres may be effectively planned in order to improve overall safety and avoid the unexpected incidents. On the other hand, there is a dearth of literature on STS operation. As a result, this work has a significant input on the current literature.


Video Pilot boat NES, North East Spit Pilots (UK)

published on 16 March 2022

Awesome clip from UK


Video 2022 Nederland Vlissingen Loodsboten Pioneer

published on 22 July 2022

Het Nederlands Loodswezen BV is een organisatie die de aangesloten registerloodsen de middelen verschaft om hun werk uit te oefenen. Zo int het Loodswezen de loodsgelden en zorgt de organisatie voor het transport van en naar zeeschepen. We zien hier een prachtig staaltje inparkeren door de Pioneer in de speciaal daarvoor aangelegde loodsbotenhaven in Vlissingen; naast het Keizersbolwerk. Klaar om de Westerschelde weer op te varen.


Video Embarking the pilot at the Port of Açu in rough weather

published on 20 May 2022

Embarque mais cedo hoje no Porto do Açu (RJ). Prático Diogo Weber.
#Praticagem #ZP15 #PraticagemDoBrasil #NaoPara #24h #EficienciaNosPortos


Video Captain Brown, Harbor Pilot (1950)

published on 6 January 2025

The film "Captain Brown Harbor Pilot" depicts the crucial role of harbor pilots in safely navigating large ships into ports, particularly during foggy conditions. It follows Bob, who learns from his Uncle Captain Brown about the various signals, equipment, and safety measures involved in harbor navigation. The film emphasizes the importance of pilots, who are trained to manage the complexities of harbor traffic, communicate with ships, and ensure safe docking. Viewers also see the...


Video Storm Agnes and pilot boat Safehaven Marine

published on 11 October 2023

Here’s a nice little video of rough weather sea trials that coincided with ‘Storm Agnes’ last week in the Interceptor 48 pilot boat ‘Svitzer Oued Laou’. The storm produced some pretty big waves at the entrance to Cork Harbour, and strong winds during the height of the storm. We managed to capture some cool footage from Roches PT lighthouse. It was fairly rough, although by not coinciding with the ebbing tide conditions aboard were quite comfortable, and our Pilot 48 handled it effortlessly...