
GoPro Sticker Tips: Time-lapse vessel videos with telemetry data widgets

by River Pilot Kris De Decker - published on 29 September 2021 53 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Marine-Pilots". Originally published on 2021-09-29.
Tips by Captain Kris.

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Ship handling, digital navigation tools active marine pilot - DAB Loodswezen

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Video Robust pilot boats of Netherlands and Belgium

published on 7 August 2020

These are some of the reliable sturdy Pilot boats of Netherlands and Belgium to bring and pick up Marine Pilots to and from commercial merchant vessels either inbound or outbound. The Marine Pilots are licensed PROFESSIONALS who have a thorough knowledge of a certain port and they guide the Master/Captain of commercial ships in and out of the foreign Seaport. Location: Steenbank Pilot Station, Flushing/Vlissingen Pilot Station, Wandelaar Pilot Station. Boats in order of appearance in this...


Video Marine pilot by helicopter // A whale in rough weather // Berthing in Durban port

published on 25 October 2021

In this video we would like to share our experience while berthing in port Durban … weather was rough .. witnessed a whale enjoying in big waves .. a doctor came onboard for covid test … received pilot by helicopter and so on …
Hope you all would like the content…
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Video Maritime Pilotage, Monitoring Pilot Orders , (By ATSB)

published on 11 January 2023


Video Maneuvering information onboard - Pilot Card, Wheelhouse Poster and ...

published on 14 July 2020

This video explains the IMO resolution on the provision and display of maneuvering information on board ships, particularly the pilot card, wheelhouse poster and maneuvering booklet. the layout and contents of each are explained as well. Contents of this video will benefit mariners preparing for exams (written and oral examinations). Mariners will also benefit by watching the following videos: Duties of the SAR mission coordinator: Duties of the on-scene...


Video Discussion on Wind effect - drifting with no propulsion, only thrusters

published on 11 July 2020

Theory on Wind drift will be shown together with demos using SAMMON planning on the effect of thrusters to have some effect on drift speed & direction


Video Humber Maritime College Simulator Tour

published on 21 October 2020

At Humber Maritime College we have state-of-the-art marine simulators to teach our Merchant Navy cadets in an environment close to reality, preparing them for a career at sea.


Video Maritime Training: Pilot Ladders: Safe Rigging Procedures

published on 25 February 2020

Pilot transfer operations always involve risk, even when conditions are favorable. Learn the essential safety procedures involved in this operation.
Visit to purchase the full-length version.


Opinion Pilot Ladder - The Weakest Link in Marine Pilotage

by Capt. Santosha K. Nayak - published on 10 August 2020

Pilot transfer arrangement is a sensitive topic to be discussed among the pilot’s fraternity. Although ships are designed and operated with compliance to the SOLAS requirements in all respects including the pilot transfer arrangements, there has been numerous deficiencies observed related to pilot transfer arrangements. The small deficiencies from the part of ships cause life threatening accidents for pilots and sometimes to the ship staff themselves. There are many instances of defective ladder and complacency in proper rigging of ladders has been reported almost every day in different parts of the world. Many pilots lost their life, severely injured for life and face many minor to major accidents. The latest incident being the Capt. Timothy Murray of Sandy hooks Pilot.


Article Midwest Port Pilots ISPO certified

by ISPO - International Standard for Maritime Pilot Organisations - published on 30 August 2022

The International Users Group of ISPO-certified pilot organizations (IUG) congratulates Midwest Port Pilots on gaining its ISPO accreditation.


Video The world's first 100% electric pilot boat

published on 15 April 2022

Built in 1980, the Maguelonne pilot boat, historical ship of the pilots of Sète, is getting a new look and swapping its thermal engine for a 100% electric propulsion. It is within the framework of the Green Pilot project, led by the MGH company, supported by its partners, the Occitanie Region and the Port of Sète-Frontignan, and with the participation of the pilot stations of Sète and Marseille-Fos, that the e-Maguelonne is born.
The maritime pilots lead the ships to the entrance of the...