
Video Maritime Partner

published on 14 January 2022 6 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Macnor Marine Corp.". Originally published on 2022-01-13.
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Video Pilot boat heading out to sea

published on 6 December 2021


Video A world leader in pilot boat building: Safehaven Marine

published on 30 April 2021

Cork based Safehaven Marine is most famous for dramatic videos of its boats during stormy weather sea trials. It’s ‘Interceptor 48’ are in service taking on all types of sea conditions around the world. The newest vessel the ‘Belgrano’ will be used by pilots on the River Plate estuary Montevideo, Uruguay.


Video Rodman 41 Pilotage and Harbour Vessel

published on 6 July 2022

Rodman 41 pilot boat for the Cadiz Pilots' Corporation


Article Metal Shark Delivers 45 Defiant Crew Boat To Anchorage Launch

published on 3 February 2023

Boat builder Metal Shark recently delivered a welded-aluminum 45 Defiant crew boat to Anchorage Launch Services, an Oregon-based operator providing launch, line, pilotage, and cargo services to vessels on the Columbia and Willamette Rivers.


Video Pilot cutter transfer journey in force six winds

published on 27 April 2020

Estuary Services crew Andrew Howland (coxswain) and Wayne Goldfinch (deckhand) transferring PLA pilot, Stephen Ford on an approx. eight-mile trip from Ramsgate to board the tanker Songa Breeze at the NE Goodwin pilot boarding ‘diamond’. Departing at 0955 on 20 April 2020, they steered an easterly course to reach the ship by 1030. Weather: wind North Easterly F6, sea state moderate to rough, visibility 10 nautical miles. Footage: ESL Edit: Theo Albanis, Port of London Authority Music:...


Video Thun London Tanker & Pilot Boat Chase

published on 2 September 2022

August 2022, tanker Thun London and Foyle Leader pilot vessel.


Video Captain Matt Glass - Houston Pilot (2012)

published on 22 December 2021

Captain Matt Glass, a deputy pilot with the Houston Pilots, boards and guides the UAL Capetown on the Houston Ship Channel from the landing area outside Galveston Bay to the Manchester docks in Houston, a voyage of about 7 hours.


Video PilotTracker - Pilot scheduling & vessel movement sharing platform

published on 29 March 2022

PilotTracker secures pilot information to flow effortlessly between you, the port community, and its customers — any time.
To learn more visit:


Article In Memoriam of Captain Dennis R. Sherwood (1955 - 2019)

by Bianca Reineke, lutheran Pastor, Germany - published on 3 January 2020

Ladders are the bridges for crossing the rough seas of our lives.
When you are a Marine Pilot at work, hoping and praying that the ladders which let you embark the vessel are stable, safe and not dangerous.
In Memoriam of the late Captain Dennis Sherwood who passed away on Monday the 30th of December.


Video Official video: 74a Assemblea nazionale Fedepiloti, Italy

published on 27 April 2021

Great image video of the Italian pilots (Federazione Italiana Piloti dei Porti).