Video Smooth pilot boarding
published on 7 October 2021
Video Florida Harbor Pilot Boarding Submarine
published on 6 July 2019
A Florida Harbor Pilot encountering the pilot pilot ladder of a submarine. First harbor pilots must make their way offshore through rough seas to a vessel desiring their expertise to safely enter port. Next harbor pilots must negotiate the dangerous boarding accommodations to embark on vessels of every type. Next, the real work begins by using years of experience and centuries of knowledge passed down through the rigorous training process, to safely guide vessels in and out of Florida's...
Video Pilot Boarding at Sea near San Francisco
published on 26 May 2020
Video Nighttime departure from Figueira da Foz including VHF radio communication - ship time laps video
published on 9 February 2022
The Dutch coaster Mv. Stroombank is leaving the port of Figueira da Foz in Portugal. Normally operations are restricted to daylight only, but because bad weather was forecasted for the days to come we've received an exemption and were allowed to depart during dark hours. Cargo operations were running close to the departure deadline so we quickly secured the cargo and prepared the vessel for sea. The tide was running out so we used the forward spring to keep position as we went slow astern...
Article Dardanelles: Turkish pilot falls from pilot ladder
by Frank Diegel - published on 8 March 2021
Video The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway Shipping System
published on 16 October 2022
The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway System is a 2,340 mile “marine highway” that extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes. This integrated navigation system serves mariners, farmers, factory workers, and commercial interests from the western prairies to the eastern seaboard. Today, the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway System serves as a Key Supply Chain for the world’s 3rd largest economy. Visit to learn more!