
FPSO TRINITY SPIRIT sank after explosion off Nigeria

published on 3 February 2022 664 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "What is Going on With Shipping? w/Sal Mercogliano ". Originally published on 2022-02-03.
Trinity Spirit FPSO Explodes off Nigeria | What's Going On With Shipping?
February 3, 2022

On this episode of What's Going on With Shipping, host Sal Mercogliano - Chair of the Department of History, Criminal Justice, and Political Science, former merchant mariner, and instructor of Maritime History, Security and Industry Policy - discusses the explosion on board the Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Trinity Spirit off the coast of Nigeria.

Not much is currently known but some details are avialable on the number of personnel on board and the operation and condistion of the vessel.

#trinityspirit #nigeria #tanker #fpso #explosion

Oil Production Vessel Explodes Off the Coast of Nigeria

​ FPSO TRINITY SPIRIT sank after explosion, Delta State, Nigeria

What is an FPSO?
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