Video Evergreen containership aground near Baltimore
published on 15 March 2022
A container ship is reported to be stranded off the coast of Gibson Island in the Chesapeake Bay. Marine Tracker lists the ship as the Ever Forward and that it is aground. It appears there are several tugboats out of Baltimore trying to assist. The company that operates the ship, Evergreen, is the same one that was responsible for the ship that got stuck in the Suez Canal a year ago.
Video Suez canal blocked: attempts continue to free stuck megaship Ever Given
published on 25 March 2021
Video Ever Forward Pilot Was Distracted When Ship Got Stuck
published on 13 December 2022
The U.S. Coast Guard found the local pilot on the Ever Forward was distracted and the ship’s captain had left eh bridge before the massive cargo ship ran aground in the Chesapeake Bay. News4’s Mark Segraves reports. _______ NBC4 Washington / WRC-TV is the No. 1 broadcast television station and the home of the most-watched local news in Washington, D.C., the country’s seventh largest television market. is the market’s most-visited local television station website across all...
Article Cargo ship RIMINI collided with lock gate, Kiel Canal
by - published on 19 May 2020
Article New Zealand MPA Guidance to manage COVID19
by - published on 22 April 2020
Article “The Pilot Ladder Manual”, 2nd Edition by Kevin Vallance
by Kevin Vallance - published on 22 January 2024
Article IMPA Investigates the Use of Remote Piloting
published on 2 September 2024
Article P&O Maritime Logistics taking over pilotage operations in Jebel Ali and Port Rashid (UAE)
by - published on 23 January 2020
P&O Maritime Logistics officially taking over the pilotage operations for the ports of Jebel Ali and Port Rashid in the UAE.Topaz Energy and Marine has merged with P&O Maritime and become P&O Maritime Logistics. Jebel Ali Pilots are now members of ISPO | International Standard for maritime Pilot Organizations.
Video Very descriptive: Piston Effect when entering lock.
published on 10 May 2020
Two new locks were introduced in 2009 for training in the new Panama lock conditions with or without tug(s). This video shows the famous "piston effect" when entering the lock at an impressive speed of 10 knots with a high blockage factor.
Port Revel provides shiphandling training using manned models for maritime pilots, masters and officers: