
Husky Salvage Cruise Ship Pilot Run, Road Town, Tortola, BVI

published on 28 June 2022 24 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Husky Salvage". Originally published on 2022-06-27.
In the pre-dawn hours and many other times of the day, local pilots safely guide cruise ships and cargo ships into BVI ports. The pilots provide local knowledge to the ships' captains to ensure safe arrivals and departures. In order to do this, it requires the pilot to climb from one moving vessel to the other.

While this maneuver is taking place, the pilot vessel must maintain speed and stay parallel to the ship, allowing the pilot's safe transfer from one vessel to the other.

They make the transfer look easy, but there are times when the seas are angry and dangerous, and these men risk their lives for the protection and wellbeing of the ship's passengers.

Husky Salvage and Towing offers standby pilot services when the BVI pilot boat is out for repairs or servicing.

Kevin Rowlette of Husky Salvage and Towing has been a captain of pilot vessels since he was a teenager in Vancouver, British Columbia, prior to moving to the British Virgin Islands in the late 70's.

You will also see Husky Captain Gilbo Simpson at the helm, safely transporting pilots from vessel to ship, and ship to vessel and back to land.

Husky Salvage and Towing serving the Caribbean since 1989
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This first report describes issues concerning pilot access near
the non-parallel ends of a ship, and use of a retractable platform.


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Editors Note:
Safety is different
One comment on YouTube on this video:
"No hard hats, no Hi-Viz clothing (in case pilot falls in) the one at 5:16 has not even got a life jacket - absolute cowboys!"


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