
Maritime Pilotage in Turkiye

published on 4 November 2022 4 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Bakış". Originally published on 2022-11-01.
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Video Volvo Penta – Mighty Jobs – Piloting the Arctic seas of Norway

published on 11 March 2020

In this episode of Mighty Jobs we meet the piloting crew of Buksér og Berging in Tromsø, Norway. Their Volvo Penta-powered piloting boat covers around 42,000 nautical miles every year. That’s the equivalent of traveling around the world twice. The Volvo Penta IPS system makes it possible to pilot ships under all weather conditions.


Opinion Tugs: Big is Better? Article by Henk Hensen

by Henk Hensen - published on 19 September 2024

Tug power has increased considerably over recent decades. Today, some ship handling tugs have a bollard pull of more than 100 tons. In addition, high tug power can be installed in ever smaller compact hulls.


Video Bulk Carrier sailing from Liverpool Docks stern-first

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Bulk Carrier "Jasmine A" leaving Gladstone lock stern-first with 3 tugs



published on 31 May 2021

Proses sandar kapal di Yangon, Maneuvering kapal oleh Pandu Bandar dengan menggunakan Bow Thruster dan Salah jangkar. Chief Officer harus menangkap peluang ini agar kelak dia sudah terbiasa/familiar bukan saja hanya olah gerak, tetapi bagaimana mengimplementasi BRM = Bridge Resource Management. Maneuvering Ship oleh PILOT & Nakhoda. Proses kapal tiba, jemput pandu laut (Sea Pilot Inward) berlayar di sungai, berlabuh di RTA, tukar dg pandu bandar (Harbour Pilot Inwars) clearance-in oleh...


Video Delta Pioneer to sea Timelapse And Disembarkation

published on 2 September 2020

MT DELTA PIONEER sailed from Europoort, in Port of Rotterdam to sea. On arrival at the pilot station the Pilot Station Vessel PROCYON was on station to pick up the pilot from this 250 m long vessel.


Article LOC Launch Digital Solution Enhancing Port Pilotage Safety

published on 26 February 2021

LOC, part of AqualisBraemar LOC Group, is pleased to announce it is launching a new digital solution to enhance safety of marine operations within ports and harbours.


Video Time Lapse: Pilotage of the VLCC Pisces Star, Port of Rotterdam.

published on 4 July 2019

Time Lapse Video:The deep draught VLCC PISCES STAR is approaching the Port of Rotterdam, after navigating through the Eurogeul and Maasgeul deep water channels in the Southern North Sea. The VLCC is proceeding in Calandkanaal channel to her berth in the Petroleumharbour No. 5.
Before coming alongside the VLCC is stopped and swung in the channel. Four harbour tugs are made fast to assist the manoeuvring vessel. Mooringboats bring the VLCC's steel mooring wires ashore when she is coming...


Video Marine pilot transfer Port Botany

published on 9 January 2020

Video showing marine pilot navigating a cargo ship from Port Botany.


Video Disembarking in Australia - Flinders Ports

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Australian Pilot Disembarking Ship Using Pilot Ladder With Man Ropes