Found on YouTube. Created by "Ship News". Originally published on 2023-01-13.
Containership CMA CGM BARRACUDA ran aground near Kruiningen on the Western Scheldt just before 01:00 UCT, Friday the 13th. Halfway between Antwerp and Vlissingen, she was sailing downstream en route from Antwerp to Hamburg. Directly after the grounding, multiple tugs gathered around her.
UPDATE: The tugs were able to refloat the vessel around 04:00 UCT. She is currently anchored at Everingen anchorage for hull inspection, just south of Borssele at Westerschelde River.
#westernscheldt #portofantwerp #CMACGM #BARRACUDA #CMACGMBARRACUDA #containervessel #breakingnews #multraship #tugs #tuglife #towage