Vlaanderen is één van de drukste scheepvaartregio’s ter wereld. Loodsen assisteren schepen bij het aanlopen en verlaten van de havens in Vlaanderen. De bemanning van Vloot zorgt ervoor dat de loodsen aan en van boord geraken van de te beloodsen schepen. Op zee maken ze hiervoor gebruik van de Wandelaar, een SWATH en een jol.
This video was kindly provided by a friend of Pilot Captain Haitham Alzahrani, Saudi Arabia. Pilot Ladder Check: non-compliant, no retrieval line Editor's note: A backpack on the back in combination with a lifejacket is usually not a good idea. There are only a few lifejackets that unfold in the water without any problems even with a backpack! More Information: SAMMY (IMO: 9582491) is a Bulk Carrier that was built in 2012 (9 years ago) and is sailing under the flag of Panama. It’s carrying...
Jacobsen Pilot Service and Los Angeles Pilot Station published a notice to all ships to inspect pilot ladders before the pilot boards.
Reason is an incident happened at the port of long beach in July 2020. Pilot ladder rope broke while the pilot was on the ladder - luckily the pilot was able to hold on.