
Theory and Practices of Marine Pilotage Kindle Edition by Capt Santosha K Nayak

by Capt. Santosha K. Nayak 366 -

Theory and Practices of Marine Pilotage Kindle Edition by Capt Santosha K Nayak
Completely new book on Ship manoeuvring techniques based on new revealing facts which have been brought to light. Must read for all the mariners to understand the behaviour of ships and how to control her behaviour during manoeuvring.

This book investigates the science behind each component of manoeuvring a ship in confined waters, especially in port limits and the art to master it. Based on practical observations and analysis of each major and minor aspect of the manoeuvring of different types of vessels in different types of situations, this book put all relevant knowledge together for the reference of all concerned with pilotage and ship handling.

The book has been appreciated by many stake holders in the Marine industry around the world. This will be a great enhancer of knowledge for Marine pilots, for masters and deck officers, for competent port authorities dealing with pilotage, for the cadets learning in the marine training institutes, trainers of ship handling in various shipping companies etc.
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