
P&O Maritime Logistics taking over pilotage operations in Jebel Ali and Port Rashid (UAE)

by - published on 23 January 2020 987 -

photo social media by Topaz

Topaz Energy and Marine reports:
P&O Maritime Logistics reached a historical milestone on the 1st of January, officially taking over the pilotage operations for the ports of Jebel Ali and Port Rashid in the UAE. This is, yet again, testament, to our ability to leverage our unique expertise in port services to deliver a world class pilotage service and further expand our activities in the maritime and logistics sectors.

P&O Maritime Logistics will build on P&O Maritime’s 180-year marine heritage and the world class craftsmanship of our seafarers as we continue to position ourselves as a leader in the industry.

Topaz has merged with P&O Maritime and become P&O Maritime Logistics.
Jebel Ali Pilots are now members of ISPO | International Standard for maritime Pilot Organizations.
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