
ISPO code and Control Manual (latest edition 1/1/22)

by ISPO - International Standard for Maritime Pilot Organisations - published on 4 January 2022 341 -

Editor's note: Many thanks to ISPO for providing this valuable content!

The latest edition of the ISPO Code and Control Manual has just been published:
From January 1st 2022, the new ISPO Code and ISPO Control Manual will come into effect.

Safety management systems continually evolve and ISPO is no different. In recent years, misinterpretations have arisen due to having Parts A & B of the Code. In an aim to simplify the Code for both pilot organizations and classification society auditors, the IUG working group was tasked with reviewing both documents. The recommendations from the review were presented to the IUG board and then distributed to associate members for comments. The consolidated document was discussed at the meeting of associates and ratified by the board.

With this revision of the ISPO Code, we demonstrate that the ISPO Code remains a safety management system for pilots by pilots, one that is continuously evaluated and adapted to the latest developments as the preferred quality standard for maritime pilot organisations worldwide.

The Control Manual has also been reviewed and provides the structure and internal procedures for the International User Group.
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