
The latest issue of "The Pilot" by UKMPA published

published on 14 July 2023 315 -

The latest issue of "The Pilot" by UKMPA published. This edition is all about the incredible "Value of Maritime Pilots."

Often overlooked in our industry's conversations are the true faces of maritime pilots - these remarkable individuals. However, in this edition, we've made a conscious decision to break away from the norm. Instead of the typical cover image of a magnificent ship, we've featured the real people behind the pilot profession.

In light of recent tragic events involving maritime pilots, it is more important than ever to convey the message that pilots are not just a distant, faceless entity. They are real people with families, responsibilities, and human emotions. Like each one of us, they play a pivotal role in international trade and connecting our world.

As we read through this edition, let's keep in mind the tremendous importance of ensuring the safety and well-being of our pilots. They tirelessly carry out their duties, enabling the smooth functioning of global commerce and travel. Together, let's stand united in supporting them and recognising the invaluable service they provide.
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