Article Trusteddocks: Bottleneck at Shipyards and Resulting Price Increases Ahead

by GmbH - published on 30 June 2020

This market intelligence allows all interested parties to measure the shipyards industry and to follow flows in demand and supply, enabling shipping companies’ management to make informed, fact-based decisions on docking requirements.


Article New Website

by - published on 30 June 2020

Recently, Herman Broers launched the website
This website’s goal is to increase pilot ladder safety by showing good practice examples regarding the rigging and use of pilot ladder arrangements . Do it right the first time!


Article Final Report following the loss of containers from MSC ZOE (1/1/2019)

by - published on 29 June 2020

On the night of January 1, 2019, MSC Zoe lost approximately 290 containers in heavy weather on the journey from Portugal to Bremerhaven. The loss of so many containers is an exceptional event and is the second largest known container loss of a ship due to heavy weather.


Article Belgium marine pilot infected with corona after piloted corona ship

by - published on 26 June 2020

ANTWERP - A pilot who visited the ship Minerva Oceania to lead it to the port of Antwerp appears to have become infected with the coronavirus.


Article "The 20,000 TEU Club" - The fleet of the largest container vessels.

by Frank Diegel - published on 24 June 2020

The fleets of container vessels storing more than 20,000 TEU is growing. Today the 20,000 TEU Club includes 69 vessels with a total capacity of 1,495,798 TEU.


Opinion Example of a passage and berthing plan

by - published on 19 June 2020

As part of a good Master-Pilot exchange (MPX) the passage plan and berthing plan is discussed with the bridge team.


Article Get the Marine-Pilots-App!

by - published on 18 June 2020

Find the right link for your Smartphone.
Get your Marine Pilots' information even easier: For Android & iPhone.


Article Innovative rope design improves vessel mooring safety

by - published on 18 June 2020

Maersk will begin implementation of an innovation called Snap Back Arrestor (SBA) ropes on the mooring lines used to hold vessels in place while docked in port for loading and unloading. Mooring is one of the most dangerous aspects of port and vessel operations.


Opinion Comment of Harry Klenner: Harbour pilots and climate change

by - published on 16 June 2020

Comment of Harry Klenner (Presidente de la Asociación Chilena de Prácticos de Puerto): Nowadays, apart from having to take measures to avoid contagion with the Covid-19, port pilots have to consider another factor that has become present on the planet and which, by the way, our country has not been unaware of.


Opinion New article by The Standard Club: "Remote pilotage - perspective and risks to consider"

by - published on 8 June 2020

Published on 5th June 2020. Author Capt. John Dolan says: "We would not recommend remote pilotage when the ship is berthing or unberthing. These operations require the presence and advice of an experienced pilot who has extensive local knowledge and who is usually assisted by port tugs."