Job Offer

Trainee Marine Pilot

published on 23 November 2023 2801 -

Port of Portland Pty Ltd
Portland, Victoria, Australia

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Video ESAIL maritime microsatellite

published on 16 September 2020

Soon a Vega will launch from Kourou carrying a payload of several satellites. These will be delivered into orbit by a new multi-payload system developed by ESA. Among these small satellites, E-SAIL. This microsatellite is dedicated to supporting maritime traffic and making seafaring safer. It is part of ESA’s SAT-AIS programme, which aims is to increase the coverage of the Automatic Identification System for ships. This system is a short-range coastal tracking system currently used on...


Video Jacobsen Pilot Service's New Pilot Boat - The Orion - at the Port of Long Beach

published on 23 January 2021

Jacobsen Pilot Service, the Port's pilot service since 1924, has acquired a new state-of-the-art pilot boat, The Orion. Learn all about The Orion in this video.


Video Gdynia 'Pilot 1' & 'Thunder Child' drone video inc ship footage & landing

published on 14 January 2021

Here’s a cool video of the latest Interceptor 48 pilot boat we’ve launched for the Gdynia Pilots in Poland. We captured some nice alongside ship footage during the sea trials, and had a chance to test out our new drone ‘catch net’ on Thunder Child.


Article IMPA Safety Campaign 2021

published on 9 September 2021

The IMPA safety campaign will be running from 1st to 15th October 2021.


Video Spiral-Test -Manoeuvre for detailed identification of Yaw Stability using Samples of Cruise Ship

published on 29 September 2021

This video shows an introduction on the Spiral-Test-Manoeuvre and describes the procedure how to steer through this manoeuvre and measure the data needed. The results will be displayed in a characteristic diagram allowing to identify stable and unstable conditions and related, detailed information, e.g. spiral loop width and height, rudder angle of neutral effect. Samples of stable and unstable ship behaviour demonstrations will be shown by Fast Time Simulation using the SAMMON Planning tool.


Video Grounding of Orient Centaur

published on 15 November 2019

On 6 November 2017, the fully laden, mini cape-size dry bulk carrier Orient Centaur was transiting the South Channel, Weipa, Queensland, outbound under the conduct of harbour pilots as part of a trial introduction of this size of ship to the port. While in the South Channel, the ship’s main engine shut down due to a loss of water from a cracked engine cooling component, and propulsion was lost. Shortly after, the ship grounded on the northern batter of the channel. The stern then slowly...


Article Two Brazilian pilots and officer from the Philippines will receive the 2020 IMO Award

by - published on 28 October 2020

Two Brazilian pilots who averted an environmental disaster and an officer from the Philippines who ensured the survival of fellow passengers from a sinking vessel while off-duty will receive the 2020 IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea.

Meeting for its 124th session (12-14 October), the IMO Council endorsed the recommendation from a Panel of Judges, agreeing that two nominations were worthy of the highest recognition this year.


Opinion "Ship's Pilot" - A poem by Gaylen K. Bunker

by Frank Diegel - published on 13 February 2020

A wonderful poem by Gaylen K. Bunker found on YouTube. As read by the author from bis book "Poems".


Article Trouble with pilotage services in Slovenia

by - published on 16 April 2020

In March the Slovenian Government has concluded a contract with the state-owned Kopp Izobraževanje company to provide maritime piloting services in the port of Koper as a public service. So far these services have been provided by private company Piloti Koper.