Job Offer

Trainee Marine Pilot

published on 23 November 2023 2874 -

Port of Portland Pty Ltd
Portland, Victoria, Australia

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Article Australasian Marine Pilots Institute joins Shipping Australia as a new member

by Shipping Australia Limited - published on 30 September 2021

Shipping Australia is delighted to welcome the Australasian Marine Pilots Institute as our newest corporate associate member


Opinion Pilotage Wisdom

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"An old experienced pilot sometimes loses a ship by his assurance and over confidence of his knowledge, as effectually as a young pilot does by his ignorance and want of experience."
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Video Port of Los Angeles: Career RePORT - Port Pilots Edition

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Career RePORT encourages all students and educators to submit questions you want to ask a Port of Los Angeles employee: what kind of job they do at the Port, how they entered their career field, who their favorite superhero is, or what they made for dinner last night. This episode features John Mayer, Port Pilot. In his role, John: - Drives the 400-meter container ships containing goods in and out of the Port every day. - Safely navigates the cruise ships that are transitioning to and...


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Opinion Bow Truster Effect on Ship's Headway

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When the bow thruster has been in operation for a while, pilots often notice that the ship not only turns but also gains speed. But why is this? Opinion by Capt. Hugues Cauvier.


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Embarcación ligera apropiada para realizar trabajos auxiliares de puerto, con gran capacidad de maniobra, seguridad y velocidad.


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Video Boarding a ship Pilot San Francisco Bay

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Here we board the container ship President Kennedy, inbound for the San Francisco Bay.
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