Job Offer

Marine Pilot – Middle East

published on 12 March 2024 1582 -


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Video Tarifa Pilot

published on 18 August 2022

On board Pilot One during boarding maneuvers to one of the regular ferries that connects Tarifa with Tangier city.


Video Maritime Innovation Lab Launch

published on 30 June 2021

The Maritime Innovation Lab serves as a co-creation platform where projects focus on next generation port operations such as vessel traffic management, remote pilotage, and just-in-time port services coordination, as well as maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) are experimented. In addition, the MIL will also house the maritime data hub to support industry digitalisation efforts and data sharing. Beyond MIL, the MPA Living Lab also supports physical test-beds at sea. The recently...


Video AIS Track APL MEXICO CITY - Accident in Antwerp on 09.12.2019

published on 10 September 2020

Video AIS Track by Nolan Dragon - What had happened: Container ship APL MEXICO CITY broke off her mooring at Doel, Antwerp, in the afternoon Dec 9, drifted across harbor and contacted DP World pier crane. Crane collapsed and was totally destroyed. No injures reported. Cause of the accident (according to the report from FEBIMA): "The allision of the mv APL MEXICO CITY with a gantry crane at the Port of Antwerp on 9 December 2019 stemmed from exceptional meteorological...


Video History: Pilot boats in New York harbor

published on 29 August 2020

SUMMARY A New York harbor pilot boat passes close enough for four members of the crew to be seen [Frame: 0471]. Following the sailing vessel is a steamship [0780]. From a contemporary Edison Company catalog: PILOT BOATS IN NEW YORK HARBOR. Unboys [code for telegraphic orders]. A close view of an eighty footer, schooner rigged, trim as a private yacht, skimming over the waters of the harbor near Robin's Reef, [where a] picturesque little lighthouse is seen in the near background. A steamer...


Video How port pilot sail out ship from the port? Grimaldi lines catania roro ship

published on 22 April 2022

In this video I will show you Grimaldi Lines Catania RoRo Ship


Video Pilot boat launch - Methanol distribution

published on 29 March 2022

Europe’s first Commercial fueling station for Methanol!


Article Safehaven Marine starts sea trials for new Irish Pilot Boat

by Baird Maritime - published on 14 May 2024

Irish boatbuilder Safehaven Marine will soon commence sea trials of a new harbour launch ordered by compatriot operator Cork Pilots.


Video AMPI Marine Pilot Profiles Webinar - November 2021

published on 16 November 2021

Thanks to Jacqui Kenyon, Chevi King and Kate Delisky for joining Jeanine Drummond on this webinar to discuss their careers and pathways into marine pilotage. The audience was a great mix of experienced marine pilots and newer maritime industry participants, as well as school aged children, with people joining us from Australia and overseas. It was an opportunity to create greater awareness of the maritime industry, and the important role marine pilotage plays in protecting our port...


Video Pilot Ladder Promo Launch by KARCO

published on 18 June 2021

A unique 3D video endeavoring to raise the awareness of the seafarers about a very important, critical, and essential piece of equipment on board. Basic in design, but high on purpose, the mistakes incorrect handling of this equipment continue to result in Near Miss, Incidents and accidents.