Job Offer

Pilot Vessel Master

published on 7 August 2024 760 -

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Video Pilot onboard channeling. Departure in Port Klang Mlaysia. #timelapse

published on 13 November 2020

Finished discharging operation ready fo next port of call Geraldton, Australia.(credits to my friend for taking the video because I was busy at this moment)


Article Awards 2022 | Best Remote Area Pilot Boat – RUBANI 1 – Southerly Designs

published on 13 March 2023

Baird Maritime has declared a winner in the Best Remote Area Pilot Boat category for 2022: "Rubani 1".


Opinion One-off pilot error did not render port unsafe

by Tom Macey-Dare KC, Martin Dalby, and Joshua Thomson - published on 12 April 2023

In this charterparty dispute, the arbitral tribunal rejected the Owners’ claim for damages for breach of the safe port warranty in a time charterparty, after a laden bulk carrier grounded at the entrance to the port of Chaozhou, China, while under compulsory pilotage. It also held that the vessel was unseaworthy, in breach of Article III.1 of the Hague Rules, due to lack of proper charts, but found on the facts that this was not causative of the grounding.


Video Pilot of cargo ship Ever Forward, which ran aground in Chesapeake Bay last year, gives up license

published on 17 January 2023

Pilot of cargo ship Ever Forward, which ran aground in Chesapeake Bay last year, gives up license


Video Maritime Pilot Indonesia

published on 13 November 2020


Article 2022: A large vessel is to cross an ocean autonomously

published on 10 January 2022

For the first time, a large vessel is to cross an ocean autonomously. The giant, developed by Hyundai, could usher in a new era of seafaringt: 300 metres long, 50 metres wide, with space for 180,000 cubic metres of liquid gas.


Video Hvide Sande Rescue Team as Pilot Boat

published on 7 May 2021

Hvide Sande Redningsbåd på Nordsøen for at sætte Lods ombord på en Coaster


Video Sustainability in pilot and embarking ladders - PTR Holland (c)

published on 5 November 2020

Sustainability concerns us all. PTR Holland (c), as a leading manufacturer of pilot and embarking ladders, is committed not only to produce the safest ladders, but also to protect our planet earth through sustainable production. PTR does so by sourcing the timber for the production of the ladders exclusively in accordance with the Federal Stewardship Council (FSC). Look for the FSC logo when buying your ladder. Take responsibility and protect our valuable rainforest! PTR Holland - Often...


Article Trouble with pilotage services in Slovenia

by - published on 16 April 2020

In March the Slovenian Government has concluded a contract with the state-owned Kopp Izobraževanje company to provide maritime piloting services in the port of Koper as a public service. So far these services have been provided by private company Piloti Koper.