Job Offer

Harbour Master/Marine Pilot (Esperance WA)

published on 20 August 2020 602 -

Southern Ports Authority
Esperance, Australia

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Article KAIPTC & Denmark launch Pilot Course to develop Maritime Security Culture in the Gulf of Guinea

by - published on 10 November 2020

This pilot course is the first of the capacity-building efforts of the three-year project on enhancing regional research, capacity building and convening of stakeholders towards a safer maritime domain in the Gulf of Guinea.


Article Trouble with pilotage services in Slovenia

by - published on 16 April 2020

In March the Slovenian Government has concluded a contract with the state-owned Kopp Izobraževanje company to provide maritime piloting services in the port of Koper as a public service. So far these services have been provided by private company Piloti Koper.


Video Lisbon pilot disembarking from Adonia in rough seas (2014)

published on 11 September 2021

The P and O ship Adonia leaving Lisbon on 3-11-14. This was the Pilot's second attempt to leave the ship. A smaller cutter found the seas too rough to take off the Pilot so this larger cutter took over.


Video Taking on a harbor pilot - The Beagle Channel - Argentina

published on 31 March 2020

Great video from Argentina. But a backpack is not recommended in combination with a life vest.


Video Offshore Pilot station out of San Francisco

published on 3 May 2023

Day two at the offshore Pilot station out of San Francisco.


Article Harbour pilot from PSA Marine dies after falling into waters off Singapore's Kusu Island

published on 13 February 2023

SINGAPORE: A 29-year-old harbour pilot from PSA Marine died on Saturday (Feb 11) after falling into waters off Kusu Island.


Video Simulation of EVER GIVEN Accident in Suez Canal 2021 in 3D by FleetMon

published on 27 March 2021

On Mar 23, 2021, at around 0500 UTC, Ultra Large Container Vessel EVER GIVEN ran aground in the Suez Canal north of Suez. The incident caused a blockage of the Suez Canal, extensive vessel traffic jams, and disruptions in the maritime supply chain. Watch a 3D video simulation of the last 90 minutes of her journey before the accident happened. The video is based on AIS vessel position data received by FleetMon.
FleetMon is one of the world’s leading AIS vessel tracking providers offering...


Video Makassar Pilot / Motor Pandu, Pelayanan Kapal Tanker MT. Olympic XX keluar Pelabuhan⛴️⚓️

published on 18 March 2024

Kepanduan Makassar, Pelayanan Kapal Tanker MT. Olympic XX keluar dari pelabuhan Pertamina Makassar setelah usai bongkar muatan⛴️⚓️
#ship #tugboat #marine #seaman
⛴️⚓️⛵️#ship #marine #speedboat #boat #maritime #pilotboat #pilot #harbour #sea #seafarer #seaman #sailor #island #vacation #holiday #tugboat #viral #viralvideo #fyp #fypシ ⛴️⚓️⛵️


Video Out for a ride on the Pilot Boat Pacific Chinook for some sea trials.

published on 26 June 2021

Awesome pictures with a drone. Prince Rupert, Canada