Job Offer

Trainee Pilot – Sheerness/Medway UK

published on 30 June 2021 637 -

Peel Ports Group
Sheerness/Medway UK, United Kingdom

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas accumsan ex lorem, ut consectetur tortor tempor vel. Integer lectus est, facilisis sit amet nisi ut, fringilla tincidunt ex. Fusce vulputate fringilla tortor, quis facilisis urna scelerisque id. Sed facilisis orci vel nibh euismod, et hendrerit ex fringilla. Integer pharetra erat a mattis volutpat. Proin aliquam leo in sem tincidunt, feugiat condimentum augue tristique. Donec ut vehicula sapien. Nam malesuada metus nec iaculis ultrices.

Fusce consectetur et lorem convallis commodo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer ultricies dui nisl, in sagittis nisi ultrices sed. Nulla commodo sapien sed ultrices varius. Ut metus mi, vestibulum id ultrices nec, auctor sit amet augue. Nulla interdum dui vitae malesuada interdum. Ut in euismod massa.


Video Timelapse: ship departs Newcastle Harbour, NSW

published on 25 May 2020

Timelapse: watch our marine pilot assist the vessel Ocean Prometheus as it departs Newcastle Harbour, NSW ••• Port Authority of New South Wales manages the navigation, security and operational safety needs of commercial shipping in Sydney Harbour, Port Botany, Newcastle Harbour, Port Kembla, Eden and Yamba. With over 6,000 visits from trade and cruise vessels each year, the ports of New South Wales contribute billions of dollars to our economy; create thousands of jobs and support...


Article Watch out for hydrodynamic effects when manoeuvring your ship in restricted waterways

by SWZ|Maritime - published on 14 October 2021

Research on hydrodynamic interaction indicates that if the speed of the ship near a bank is too high, the rudder may be less able to cope with the forces induced and control will be lost. The Nautical Institute highlights this in its latest Mars Report, in which an LPG carrier hit a barge being towed by a tugboat as a result of hydrodynamic forces.


Video Virtual Reality Beleving - Beloodsing

published on 23 November 2020

Vlaanderen is één van de drukste scheepvaartregio’s ter wereld. Loodsen assisteren schepen bij het aanlopen en verlaten van de havens in Vlaanderen. De bemanning van Vloot zorgt ervoor dat de loodsen aan en van boord geraken van de te beloodsen schepen. Op zee maken ze hiervoor gebruik van de Wandelaar, een SWATH en een jol.


Video Supmar Pilot Boat 12m GRP

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Garganta do Diabo em São Vicente


Video Emergency Fire Drill on Pilot Boat

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Opinion Obviously fake and manipulated certificates of Pilot Ladders

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On the first day of the "IMPA safety ladder campaign 2020", Joris Stuip, Vice President PTR Holland is rightly upset about obviously fake and manipulated certificates at Pilot Ladders. They are playing with the safety of the pilots.


Video Men rescued from pilot boat wreck at Point Lonsdale

published on 9 October 2023

Police have performed an incredible late night rescue in one of the country's most treacherous waters, after a pilot boat ran aground at the entrance to Port Phillip Bay. Three men, who were experts at navigating the dangerous passage, were retrieved safe and well after two hours in the water. Subscribe: ABC News provides around the clock coverage of news events as they break in Australia and abroad, including the latest coronavirus pandemic updates. It's news when you...


Article The International Pilot - Issue Number 48 / July 2020

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The Journal of the international Maritime Pilots´ Association


Article Brazil Pilots issue Common Errors in PTA’s notice

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Conapra / Praticagem do Brasil have issued a notice “Common Errors in the pilot boarding arrangement “. In this notice, reference is made to international regulations ( Solas V Reg 23, IMO 1045 and ISO 799 ) as well as national regulations.