Job Offer

Marine Pilot, Thevenard South Australia

published on 26 August 2022 363 -

Flinders Ports Pty Limited
Thevenard, Australia

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Video German Pilots embarking cruise vessel by SWATH Pilot Boat Döse

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Recording of cruise ship Pilots boarding from boat at speed


Video S-102 Bathymetric Surface Product for a Safe Passage

published on 13 July 2020

Specialized training for maritime pilots
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada – June 23, 2020 – The Maritime Simulation and Resource Centre (MSRC), a world-class pilot simulation training and port feasibility studies facility, is pleased to announce the release of an informational video on the new S-102 standards on surface bathymetry products.
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Video Threefer, three deliveries in a row. 25 mph winds made for a choppy river.

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The pilot boat is a 1979 Gladding and Hearn, think of it as a 70s muscle car on water. The Deep-V hull does a great job of cutting through the waves while giving us good speed and maneuverability. On to the next one...
Some parts are sped up to fit 60 seconds.


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Today, we embark on a voyage into the intricate world of ship types. From massive container ships to nimble oil tankers, we'll explore the unique challenges each vessel presents.


Article Technical Circular on pilot boarding arrangements by Indian Register of Shipping

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The Indian Register of Shipping has published a Technical Circular on pilot boarding arrangements this week. Here you can download and read the document.


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Video Maritime Simulation and Resource Centre. For Pilots. By Pilots

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Specialized training for maritime pilots in Canada.
Founded in 2005, the Maritime Simulation and Resource Centre (MSRC) is a purpose-built marine pilot simulation training and turnkey port procedural development facility, offering unique navigational safety expertise in North America.


Video Palm Beach Harbor Pilots: The Essential Job Behind Docking Caribbean Cargo Ships 24/7

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In this video go behind the scenes with Capt. Reid of the Palm Beach Harbor Pilots Association on the nightshift, as he docks four different cargo ships of all different sizes that help support the islands of the supply chain of the Caribbean. The pilots are important to allowing the safe operation in and out of the Port of Palm Beach every day or night and to keep the goods for the islands arriving on time. If you enjoyed this video, make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more videos about Ships! ⚓...


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