Job Offer

Senior Marine Pilot

published on 4 October 2022 457 -

Tennessee Valley Authority
Tennessee, USA

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Video Entrainement sur simulateur des pilotes maritimes du Havre-Fécamp

published on 18 August 2022

Entrainement sur simulateur des pilotes du Havre-Fécamp : pilotage des barges transportant les embases gravitaires du champ éolien offshore de Fécamp. Plus de 500 H de formation et de travail préparatoire ont été nécessaires pour préparer ces opérations de pilotage portuaire exceptionnelles


Video First day : Shifting berth

published on 6 December 2021

My first movement as harbor pilot, once my training was completed: Unberthing, moving astern to the turning area, then going back astern to another location of the same berth
Nothing special: A very simple video


Article Tramarsa Flota is now PSA Marine Peru

published on 26 August 2020

Following the 100% acquisition of Tramarsa Flota S.A. by PSA Marine (Pte) Ltd (“PSA Marine”) on 12 February 2020, the Peru-based marine services operator unveiled its new name and brand - PSA Marine Peru S.A. (“PSA Marine Peru”), effective 19 August 2020.


Video Pilot boarding LAGARFOSS inbound to Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada

published on 12 November 2021

#halifax #pilotboat #halifaxnovascotia #novascotia #ship #shipping #sailor #sailorslife #seafarer #seafarers #ships #ocean #canada #boat #boats #atlanticocean #lifeatsea #sea #marinepilot #mariners #containership


Video Port Pilots of probably Barcelona

published on 2 March 2021

In this video we can see how a pilot boat (probably Barcelona) approached the vessel to disembark the pilot.


Video Entering the Port of Suape

published on 11 April 2022

Manobra de entrada no Complexo de Suape. Prático Tomás Hatherly, da Praticagem PE.
#Praticagem #PraticagemDePernambuco #ZP9 #PraticagemDoBrasil #Navegaçao #Manobras #SemAcidentes #Portos #Eficiencia 


Video 1969 Pilot Boat in Italy

published on 1 March 2022

Archival footage shot by an amateur filmmaker while heading Turkey with a ferry in August 1969.
It contains stock footage of Brindisi, a city in the region of Apulia in southern Italy: passengers relaxing in the deck of the ship, the pilot boat driving the ferry to the port, ships docking in the port, Brindisi waterfront including the Roman pillar marking the end of the Via Appia route, and more.


Video Tug Girding

published on 30 November 2020

Between 2005 and 2018, the TSB received reports of 26 girding situations resulting in 21 capsizings. Girding occurs when a vessel is pulled broadside by a towline force and is unable to manoeuver out of this position. The TSB created this video to illustrate the factors leading to girding and the recovery methods.
The TSB would like to thank Ledcor Resources and Transportation Inc. for use of simulator training images in the girding video. We would also like to acknowledge the U.S....


Video PTR Pilot ladder

published on 6 November 2020


Video Departure pier#44 June 2020 Constanta Port, Romania

published on 26 June 2020

Video by marine pilot ESIL ABIBULA.