Job Offer

Harbor Pilot Vacancy

published on 4 October 2022 358 -

Philippine Ports Authority
PMO Panay/Guimaras, Philippines

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Article Master and Shipping Company Convicted Over Pilot Ladder Failure

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For the second time in less than twelve months, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority has announced the successful legal action against a ship's master and the shipping company due to a defective ladder, leading to a pilot's injury during transfer


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Article Port of Grays Harbor takes delivery on new pilot boat, Vega

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After years of looking, the Port of Grays Harbor has its new pilot boat, the Vega, to replace the 60-year-old Chehalis.


Video FPSO TRINITY SPIRIT sank after explosion off Nigeria

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Article Electronic Chart Standards: IHO ECDIS and ENC

by - published on 29 October 2019

Found on YouTube:

Tom Mellor - C​hairman of the IHO Electronic Navigational Chart Working Group (ENC WG) and Head of Digital Standards at the UKHO - explains what the IHO's ECDIS and ENC Standards mean.


Video ABB and Keppel O&M collaborate on autonomous tug with remote operation

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ABB, together with Singaporean shipyard Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M), has successfully carried out South Asia’s first remote joystick control of a tugboat in the busy Port of Singapore.
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