Job Offer

Harbor Pilot Vacancy

published on 4 October 2022 358 -

Philippine Ports Authority
PMO Panay/Guimaras, Philippines

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Article SevenCs Shakes Up Digital Navigation for Pilots and Professional Mariners

by - published on 4 June 2020

SevenCs, part of the ChartWorld Group, is pleased to announce the release of our ground-breaking ORCA™ Pilot X software. Originally designed as a primary navigation aid for Pilots, ORCA Pilot X is the industry’s leading tool for professional navigators. In an industry first, ORCA Pilot X is being offered as a free download on the Apple AppStore for iOS tablets.


Video 125 in 125 Seconds: Captain Michael Bopp, Crescent River Pilots (2021)

published on 24 January 2022

In conjunction with the anniversary celebration, the Port has launched the “125 Years in 125 Seconds” video series. The videos will serve as an oral history of the Port featuring public officials, maritime partners, port workers and others to share the Port’s story from their perspective.


Opinion Pilotage Wisdom

by Frank Diegel - published on 1 September 2020

"An old experienced pilot sometimes loses a ship by his assurance and over confidence of his knowledge, as effectually as a young pilot does by his ignorance and want of experience."
Let us remind ourselves every day of the principles of safe seamanship...


Article Next-level shiphandling simulation using VR

by Captain, MSc. Remko Fehr - published on 13 December 2023

Kiel Pilots introducing Morild Interaktiv AS Virtual Reality Simulator for next-level manoeuvring training.


Video Bulk Carrier Ship "SBI ZEUS" /Pilot Vessel "CATAMARÁN ANTARES" #ZonaComún #RioDeLaPlata / "VIVALDI"

published on 14 August 2020

Bulk Carrier Ship "SBI ZEUS" / On board Pilot Vessel "CATAMARÁN ANTARES" #ZonaComún #ZonaComúnAnchorageArea #RioDeLaPlata #Argentine #Summer #Vivaldi #TheFourSeasons #MariSamuelsen Buque de Transporte a Granel "SBI ZEUS" / A bordo de la Lancha de Prácticos "CATAMARÁN ANTARES" - Zona Común - Fodeadero Zona Común, Río de La Plata #Argentina This video was filmed on board Pilot Vessel "CATAMARÁN ANTARES" and shows the moments when the Pilot Boat proceeded to the #BoardingStation #ZonaComún...


Video Pilot Boat Turnstone Leaving And Returning to Heysham

published on 27 July 2023

Pilot boat Turnstone leaving the Port of Heysham, then returning later on. Short video of her going and coming into port. Type of vessel Pilot boat Owners Peel Ports, Port of Liverpool Builders Safehaven Marine LOA 14.7m Beam 4.4m...


Article First autonomous cargo ship faces 236-mile test in February

published on 1 September 2021

In just two decades from now, half of all domestic ships plying Japan’s coastal waters may be piloting themselves. That’s the ambitious goal of the Nippon Foundation, a public-interest organization backing the country’s development of ocean-traversing autonomous ships. It aims to see crewless ships make up 50% of Japan’s local fleet by 2040.


Video GIDAS - GNSS Interference Detection & Analysis System

published on 29 April 2021

OHB Digital Solutions GmbH develops systems for monitoring the GNSS frequency bands as well as detection, classification and localization of intentional or unintentional interference sources. Many stakeholders and applications as well as critical infrastructure providers are relying on GNSS to provide their services. Since Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are widely used in safety and value critical applications, GIDAS detects, classifies and localizes any GNSS interference...


Video Pilot Boat Pacific Pathfinder exiting Venn Pass heading back to Base

published on 13 July 2022

Filmed using a DJI Mini 2 All video footage is owned by Northcoast Drone and it can be licensed as stock footage. We are certified in advanced drone operations and use a visual spotter LICENSING & BUSINESS INQUIRIES Copyright © Northcoast Drone. All Rights Reserved.


Video Pilot Cutter in Action (Shoreham Port)

published on 14 January 2020

Watch this video to get a behind-the-scenes look into training aboard our Pilot Cutter with Alexandra Pearson, Marine Operations Assistant at Shoreham Port.