Job Offer

Marine Pilot/Assistant Harbourmaster

published on 9 December 2022 406 -

Stornoway Port Authority
Stornoway/Scotland, United Kingdom

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Video "Providence" South Wales Pilot Boat

published on 10 November 2020

This video is about the people who work for South East Wales Pilotage, the Pilots and Cutter crew


Opinion Five questions for Porthos Lima, Rio de Janeiro Pilots Operations Director

published on 25 November 2020

In our new new section “Five questions for ..." introduces pilots and other market players to our readers in short interviews.

Today we have talked to Porthos Lima, Rio de Janeiro Pilots Operations Director.


Video Pilot Embarkation: Unusual Manoeuvre

published on 25 March 2024

What do you think about this unusual manoeuvre here?


Video What a ride: Coast Guard boat is surfing in the mouth of the Duluth Canal

published on 16 September 2020

The mouth of the Duluth Canal is a dangerous entrance in bad weather. Here the coast guard shows the agility of their boats. What a ride!


Article Port of Southampton holds naming ceremony for pilot launch Mayflower

published on 25 May 2022

ABP’s Port of Southampton has officially named its brand-new pilot launch, Mayflower.


Video When a pilot boarding is aborted

published on 27 January 2022

Wind was blowing strong from the NE and the waves were becoming bigger and bigger by the time we reach a new client.
Crew didn't consider the rolling effect about to happen while changing heading in order to give lee when they prepared pilot ladder, so the requested 1.5m above the water was not that good.
I decided to abort and to give the vessel the chance to shorten it. In the next attempt they did it right and I was able to board safe


Video Pilot Transfer - New Zealand (Auckland) & Australia (Melbourne/Fremantle)

published on 21 October 2021

Spotted some Pilot Boats in the Port of Auckland, New Zealand and Melbourne & Fremantle Australia (Port codes: Auckland:NZ AKL ; Melbourne:AU MEL ; Fremantle:AU FRE).


Video Ns345 W6D2 Ship Interactions and Bank Effects

published on 13 October 2020

Shiphandling discussion about meeting and overtaking situations in a close quarters situation where hydrodynamic effects will come into play between ships. The lecture continues and discusses Bank Effect.


Video HMM - Maiden voyage of HMM Algeciras #11-Antwerp

published on 18 July 2020

#MaidenVoyage #HMMalgeciras #HMM
The maiden voyage of HMM Algeciras #11-Antwerp
The beautiful sunset celebrates the first arriving of HMM Algeciras at Antwerp, Belgium. The first largest containership in the world head for London, the last city of the Europe route.


Opinion Piloting, Autonomous Vessels, AI, and the coffee making machine

by Captain Ricardo Caballero "Themaritimepilot" - published on 15 June 2020

I am not a computer savvy. My knowledge in programming and robotics and those sort of things is nil. I get lost in the sea of social media and easily entangle myself in the web. All I have done for the last 25 years or so is to pilot ships through the Panama Canal. However, during the last couple of years I have done my best to catch up with technology, since it has enhanced our possibilities and improved safety in our field. But still, I have to admit that I am way behind the new guys in this important issue.